Sunday, June 10, 2012

Pacqiou versus bradley ..proves boxing has been fixed

Here we go ..this proves it boxing has and always will be fixed and  oh las Vegas ....a good honest place ....right !!!!!!!!!!....just goes to show you ..its all about the bookies ...

There is no way ,this  fight should have been lost by pacquiou ...another  blot on the face of  boxing,........ maybe  this is why fans are  ditching in drove's to  the MMA..........boxing deserves to die  an  sporting death  .....

I noticed the decline in boxing,since the Tyson era ,when Don king the biggest slug of all ,who has  sent many boxers  to a  demise ,....its the lowest  sport of  all ....for  corruption  ...i sincerely believe all sports are fixed  ...because ,the purses , and the  influences are there , its been  proven  even with soccer(football)....

Well when you consider Vegas ,........ the foot hold of  corruption (i.e mafia bugsy segal),.......the judges , not exactly representatives of honesty, you could not buy of a  judge , ....i mean  what  does  a judge for any contest get paid,............,,

Really !!!!!!!!  i mean if  big time gangster/hood /drug lord/pimp/politician/congressman/car slaesman/.........has the big bills , why would a judge not  write down some extra will not be the first time  a  fight has been  rigged and it will not be the last .....i hope  all Filipinos  get totally hacked of at this deal........i know i am

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