Thursday, June 21, 2012

Old lady bullied on bus .....

Here we go ,this is  shitty kids  from shitty parents......nothing more nothing less  ...they have to get it  from somewhere ......

Whats the bet, these  kids  get no punishment from their  parents, ......all these  people  running shit and  giving kids  too much power...............

I have said it  now, and will say it again, when a couple are married , especially in USA , the parents  put the kids , first France  the kid  does  not rule the roost  ...

This is the  mistake,  American  parents make ..if a  kid  comes along its should be third ,.......  with boundaries of  course  

In marriage  parents should come first, kids are newcomers and should be treated  accordingly what the  the laws making  kids  untouchable 

This is the reason i do not have  kids ...... when you see them abuse the old  lady on the bus .....


Bakker said...

I wish she had body slammed these kids like that Australian boy (Casey Heynes) did to his bully here:

Anonymous said...

I was pisssed and outraged after watching this video of this poor lady being taunted and bullied by these little punks!...Think about it people, what if this was your dear mom undergoing this torment and what would you do?....Their brainless fucking heads should be put through that school bus window so they would have a lasting reminder every time they look in the mirror of the day they fucked up big time!....These dumb ass kids today have no respect for anyone and it is all about them!...Their coddling, lame ass, in-denial, self absorbed parents are just as much to blame because they do not kick ass, teach respect, set boundaries or level conseqeunces to these spoiled brats anymore!...They deserve to get their asses whooped and so do their weak ass parents or should I say lack of parenting!...This shit would not have went down back in the day because therewould have been hell to pay!...The little shits might get their X-box taken away from them for a week and that is about the end of it!..Maybe they should have to do community service in a nursing home all summer with no pay and find ut what is is like to be in the real world and maybe learn some compassion and respect for others?...I still think they should get their asses kicked!

MOSTLY RAT MEAT .....................................................

  Apparently ..........i have heard that  most of the  chicken is rat meat ...............well as  matter of fact..........   over  1 millio...