Friday, June 8, 2012

Miss pennsylvania....says pageant is fixed ,,who cares

Miss Pennsylvania....resigned because she said the pageant is fixed ,, see i thought the girl who blew the judge  won the contest.......i always thought  that  was  how pageants  worked .....

But apparently ,it was  because they allowed  a transgender broad to participate in the pageant .....would a judge let a  transgender babe  blow him/her/other!!!!!!!...............

She said , she was told another contestant saw the top 5 list, ...well welly well oh well!!!! there a list of blowing orders i was not aware there was a top 5 blow list........

So now she is pissed of the Donald ,well this is not the way to pole vault a career ..........
 ...the Donald will skewer this loony airhead ......

Really who cares if  a pageant is fixed,...... i do not care, its all about the hot babes ,.........this is why guys watch it  for the hot babes ,why else would you watch it , for the evening  dresses.....!

she used the word "fraud " this girl retarded ,she won and now she is having remorse, and  calling Donald's gig a fraud ....what is this chick smoking ....... 

Well Donald said "no list was found",i think this  broad form Penn state is gullible ,.....she believed what another  chick said ....

Well i got to Say ,i would not like the Donald to be coming after me.....this girl may end up doing some xxx flix by the time the trump is done with her know  Donal he loves the limelight and a fight .......

This chick has thrown down the the Donald .....this deal will cost her more than her crown........



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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......