Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Disney (mickey mouse is gettng in on the food crap now....

Disney is getting its claws in on the food  bandwagon....yes the Disney corporation cares about you folks ....(just like the American govt  cares about you ).........

Here is what i think $$$$$$$$  lots of $$$$$$$$......now you have  mickey mouse rolling in on your fricking food ...its called mickey check ....yes those good honest folks at Disney really really care about you the family entertainment company .....

Incidentally ............. Disney corp makes about $200 million a.year from the adult movie industry ....fact ....well what do you think daddy does  when mummy and the kids are sleeping after  a hot day of waiting in the sun.....no lying this fact is on the net..oh and the micro bar .....

So mickey will take all the profit making high sugar/high profit goodies out of Disney world ......not!!!!!!  you need the kids all sugared up so that they can wear mummy and  daddy down and at the end of the day they collapse so daddy can watch the chick flix....(the other chick flix)......

Lets add one more thing for  security/soccer/worried mums to worry about ....you know  how  kids  are not allowed  to wander more than 5 feet from their  mums ...so now when they go shopping they have mickey check ...that wonderful caring corporate rodent 

So is  Walt going to  ban all the bad shit from Disney .......or stick a mickey label on it ......

i wonder how much Disney is making on this deal ....somewhere along the line joseph public will get the corporate wang in the butt  as always  

And we all know the dishonesty about food ...here is  spoonful of advice .....walk more ......eat less


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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......