Wednesday, June 6, 2012

beer commercilas what a pile of shite !!!!!!

Don't you just love those snazzy beer commercials..... know the one's where they promote the beer at a  party where  everyone is  anorexic and skinny and they are chugging down beer....and the girls are cute  and the guys are ripped ........

Funny when i go to a place  i never see the whole  bar thumping with perfect girls ...i see a bar where the TV is blaring and the people who are around the bar  are not anorexic  but they  do have Newport t_shirts baseball caps  or mechanics shirts .......

Of course these beer companies could not show the true commericals of stained beer bellied men with badly mismatched clothing(and ass crack jeans) and  women...well who are not anorexic.......

Who would want to see that really ...the beer appears  to  be a  positive  aspect so that's why the have to show those  ultra  hot babes  and guys all dancing after  a beer  or  two ....i don't know where that pub is  but not in any town  i have been in.......

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......