Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Snooki has given up drinking

This retard is going to be one sorry ass mum,the reason she is giving up drinking because she does not want the baby to come out with three legs ..........

Here's a thing unless you are consuming vast  amounts of chernobyl Chardonnay .....or fukishima dai-chi blanc wine then all is safe ...?

You know they ,(and who the fuck are they)...say...... a glass of the old claret/plonk/grape juice.....is good for the old anatomy....but in snooki's case, she is not the brightest spark in the packet of sparklers ,so she may think, a case or two is safe.....

Social services may want to check in on the pint sized dumb ass ,if she thinks a glass of wine will give babies 3 legs ......

This soon to be minuscule mum goes from one stupid thing to another,  maybe she and Kim kardashian and Kanya (no mummy west)...........can do a  reality show.....and get sponsored by an abortion clinic...........!

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......