Monday, May 7, 2012

YouTube goes LIVE STREAMING with Google+ Hangouts

YouTube goes LIVE STREAMING with Google+ Hangouts

Google has opened up its Hangouts On Air video streaming system on Google+ to all of the social network’s users, having trialled the live broadcast system with select celebrities and news organizations. Set to roll out gradually to the entire user-base over “the next few weeks” – so as to avoid bringing the system to its knees – the service basically turns Google+ into a personal TV channel, with support for unlimited viewers.

Well i don,t know about you  but this  is great  it  opens up a  new  world of possibilities ,and google  is making the world a smaller place ,you will  be able  to be more flexible with this  deal....
i guess some  companies in communications  must be  crapping in their pants at this  deal ......
I have  always  thought google  was on the frontiers of communications ,although the chinese will be  denying themselves  great rewards  from their  censorship and banning of google i guess they will come up with some sorry ass excuse is to why they do not need it .
I got the feeling this  really will be  a new era of reality TV   with lots of  real (not staged ) performances ...
I will certainly be one of the people  looking forward to this ,not sure  about everyone else  but the reality TV now is really boring .........

To read more of this story click here

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......