Monday, May 7, 2012

Area 51 when will we get tours ....

Mister Obama is the president or so called ,this  guy  promised to close Guantanamo ...never  happened ...

He was behind in the withdrawal of the troops ,i wonder why...maybe because  of one thing $$$$$$$$..........

So if he is about making the world  better  for everyone ,why doesn't he and like other presidents,put the alien crap to rest on area 51...

I mean he is the president ,but has no power  ,who the hell is running area  51 ,every time  people see spacecraft and  all the unusual sighting . the American govt denies  anything doing ...

I mean what the hell are they doing in there  you  cannot get anywhere  near the place its  riddled  with blacked up vehicles and military dudes .

Barack Obama claims he is a different president form all the rest ...okay then why does he  not come forth about area 51 ...unless he is  a puppet master.....

You see my reckoning all the presidents like to brag the are commanders ,so if they are  why do they say nothing about whats  going on ..

i mean i really do not care whats in area 51 because whoever works there will never have a  normal life they sold their souls ,if they did  try and  talk they would not last 5 Min's  that's a no brainier .

I have never  heard anyone that has  worked for the govt  say a great  word about how  good their lives were ,i have met a  few  ex govt employees who said that in the end  they really did not  walk away happy ...

I guess the only good  thing about working for the govt is you get  tip top health insurance ..i guess when your married you are forced to get a job and be miserable ,because its not about you its about the kids ,,,right ...

Even if there is some alien shit going on ,whatever they have learned  its really crappy i mean their technology is  crap  think about it took more than decade to find  bin laden....

 .....unless that was all about timing !!!!!....i mean why  would  mister bush  want Osama dead after all in an ivy league college they do have the bush wing ....and the bin laden wing......

And of course we all know 9/11  the only time  ever in aviation history the skies across America were  silent ....

.oh!! apart form the private jet that shuttled the bin laden family out of the country (good old USA)  of course  everyone knows that....

.Because the whole bin laden family would have had an uncomfortable time in the confines of  America ....

We all know the rich have a  hard time blending in we should all feel sorry so we should get them away  form the hostility because their relative caused problems in new york!!!!!.....

But area 51 makes you wonder if they are  so clandestine ,in their ops why did it take so long to find  fugitives say like  Hussein ........

who is running area , 51 its certainly not the commander in chief .....

then who makes you wonder who has more power than the commander in chief .

after all the  commander in  chief order the execution of  osama ...well in his watch anyways ...

funny how Saddam was  done in Georges watch yet osama was done in Obama watch ...Maybe their might be  an oil connection.....

...or maybe someone in area 51 was in on the deal who is higher up than the commander in chief ......

people in America do not count too much when it comes to higher up  like govt  and suchlike .....,

yet every election people stand out in the baking sun and wait in line to  vote  for  they believe will change ...there will never  be change just a change of commander in chief ,politics never change just the new and improved and  more sinister version .......

and then people become disappointed  and complain because they thought they were getting a better president .........

you would think after all these years people might have learned from skull duggery and secrecy...why do they think  change ........

Its obvious that president obama knows about area 51 like all the other presidents ...he is in the club ...will it ever be revealed ....nah !!!!!!and why should he  he is just doing what every other president in line has  done ...

treat the people like mushrooms.....keep em in the dark and  shovel shit on top of them......its the way it is and always will be !!!!!


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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......