Thursday, May 24, 2012

ellen de generis ....very generous ..indeed !!!!


I was never a fan of  4pm or after TV there was  not much on less you were an Oprah addict  never  my thing really ....Dr Phil ...well as  he is not a  doctor and he is Oprah's bitch ....

He was  a sports  director or something undoctor like ....but calls him self a doctor , which, is it not illegal in some states....

Rachael ray another one of harpo;s off spins( in case you did not know , harpo...... is Oprah spelt backwards.) 

Anyways....move over  negative TV   ..we have somone  who actually has  soul ..........Ellen DeGeneres  ...the reason she is so like able  is because she  gives and  gives  and does  so much  for  everyone .......

She was a  comedian previously ,to this but she  definitely  gives and gives  .....don't get me wrong but Oprah  is a hell of a philanthropist...... she does stuff all over the world  .....

But i guess  Ellen's show is  more comedic in a way , different from Oprah's....maybe its a different  conduit of  energy ....

Oprah like all the talk shows  had her  day ,and Ellen's show is more up beat ...hope and  happiness ..its our duty to convey  both  to those in need ....

and the world is in need  of both the above ..badly...

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......