Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Whata a pair of idiots kim kardashian and kanye west...

Here is  although have you noticed  how  bird,s of  a feather ....fly together ....this would explain why Kanya west and Kim kardashian have bonded as friends.......she is an Armenian, OCD who is a total pain in the ass .....and the only reason she became famous is because she  done  some  porno and showed  her  booyah /birth canal/vag/,.....as i am lead to believe and the rest  is history,
The reality show the kardashian's is  a total sham and i thought Bruce Jenner( a once  icredible olympic athlete)had balls  ............,he has had plastic surgery and looks a little la fem oh la la and wears salmon pink polo shirts ...
No way jose....maybe when they were  doing his  face and he was out on the surgeons table his  wife ,who is a strange bint  sneaked  in slipped the plastic surgeon a few  extra  $100 bills to remove what tackle he had ............because this guys is a  pussy ......

.Listen i  know  every guy  wants you to believe in the whole  real men wear pink deal  ,......... no knock it off this  is  a  thing that women convince their other half that a real man would have the guts to wear pink ..............listen up its a chick colour  worn by barbie/bitches/girlie girls /and little girls fascinated by my little pony and the princess shit ..............pink is also worn unanimously by the latest sensations from across the pond  Sophia grace and Rosie (courtesy of ellen degeneris).............so pink is not for  guys .....

Ii cannot believe any straight male in their  right mind  can be  coerced by some broad that pink is  wearable by a  man ,and here is  another  annoying thing  while we  are on the subject ...........you guys!!!!!! and you really  f**^ing know who you are ....who walk around with your  girlfriends in shopping places  wearing a pringle jersey or fine knit cardigan  tied or wrapped  around your  shoulders ...really need to be kicked in the balls by another  real man ........ because you guys are the height of totally pussy whipped ...i mean you really need kicked in the balls to see if you have any............

...........so back to ...Kim kardashian and  Kanya west and birds of a feather  bollocks ...i do seriously hope these  two do not get together merge or  have it off and  make a  kid  ...that poor little bastard  would have  a lot of  crap to take in life ...........listen they are  both talentless  has been and  it seems in  Hollywood or wherever they reside ..being a total jack off is okay as long as you have  a crap load f  money form  being  able to  convince  mindless pre-pubescent spoiled  no esteem mall rats that you can sing or  do something that  would  amount to talent....

i mean this  mindless turd who calls himself a rapper  and this  Armenian dwarf who can only hawk her fat ass  and talk about her  shops .......which i saw the one in Miami it look  as it had the same amount of  room as a  new york city newsagent stand ...........i mean what does it sell women's  underwear ........By the way  the people  that make  lingerie/underwear or whatever   you may call it  it is made in china  ..........where they make the  same  shit for   old ladies and stuff (for wal mart)...they just put their name  to it ..........Victoria's secrets  of London    the reason they called it that  because it had  a mail box there , its a scam ..................the lingerie  business  is  a scam .................

you see guys  cannot justify 80 bux or  whatever on a pair of  drawerrs   but women will gladly pay that  because  its a name ,this is how women think and designers  like kardashian take advantage of it ...

if i was Bruce Jenner.(would only want his money...he is worth about $250 million)....... i would not make this  as swipe welcome in my home  can you imagine having a slug like Kanya west coming to your  house at say thanksgiving or  Xmas what would he  do sing ...nope cant sing for  shit....act nice ...no he cant he is a prick ...why would anyone want their daughter  dating a loser ...and he is up there ...and also imagine your daughter dating a  tosser who was  called a  jackass by the  president of the united states of  america .............  this  is  the only reason Kanya west  should accept being famous for .........

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......