Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Starbucks .....its just coffee....

Okay  maybe  some of you may agree with me on this  blog,but  i use  Starbucks a lot for one  reason ,mainly....the Internet.
I am not a great  fan of their  coffee as i find if i need  hazelnut i have to get  shots of it added ,whereas you get it in the coffee in other places,this does not deter me ......
The point i am trying to make,is when did it get so fricking beyond ordering coffee,a cup of Joe is a  cup of  Joe,but you get some customers who come in to Starbucks and they order a ...hazelnut latte,half soy half skimmed milk at 90 degrees with whipped cream and a shot of espresso and some chocolate on top .....
                            I am not sure ,if you are one of these people,but i think maybe having a relationship with a person that has  to be  so technical about a cup of  coffee ,must be a  full time job.
I have spent a lot of my life in coffee shops  all over America ,and UK ,i can smell a  bad  cup of coffee ,i can even tell you that its turning and the acidity is kicking in ,i know the difference between  cheap coffee and expensive coffee ,maybe because i have  been in coffee shops so long ....
Coffee shops are great observation posts ,to meet and see interesting people ,but one thing i have noticed the more intricately and professional the person appears to be the more complex their order of java becomes
                            Listen its a free world...........(well so the American govt and its cohorts may lead you to believe )...but a cup of coffee is  just a  cup of coffee ......Now there are people  that call them self Barista's,how does one get to be a  barista or is this something one earn by the way he can make a picture in the foam, i myself am not surprised there is a tech school or  something like you know  the mayflower school of excellence for baristas or maybe ITT tech college is  doing courses  they do  courses  for everything else .....you know you apply for a grant to online or  something and you go there  for  a  year and you become a barista ........i mean what has  coffee become artwork (,maybe i am cynical ,most of the time because you cannot become complacent or you will get trampled).....,i do not see the idea of someone doing a  picture of  Vietnamese fisherman on a boat harvesting in a sunset in river in nong peng......or Spanish matadors goring a bull with his flamboyant dumb looking suit with his picadors/toreadors in a  Barcelona arena unto a crowd of drunk jeering overfed animal hating self loathing tourists,....whose only idea of a good vacation is to watch an unarmed bull being pierced and gored and stabbed to death by a crew of  spineless uneducated castillian peasant ass wipes who cannot get a real job because they wear stupid costumes .....(but that will be another blog one day).......... only 5 Min's later it will be on my lips........
you know if you are going to get creative ,....... do it where i can hang it  my shitter at home and let people  see it when hey are taking a.......grunt/crap/turd/dookie/dump/#2/ or pee/slash ..or whatever they do on the porcelain princess .....maybe i am thinking too hard about coffee and letting it go way beyond a drink ....but hey whatever you do its just coffee and i need  something to rant about....always......i like mines with cream and sugar......

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......