Sunday, May 20, 2012

spanish soap operas ...why they always cry......

I am not a fan of  all the Spanish soap operas,...but i do like the women ,who are gorgeous in these  soap operas...

But why are they always  crying ...they seem all to be rich and live in massive  hacienda,s ad mansions ... in certain places  like Miami ,Colombia,and Mexico .

Sidebar......(And why is it when people on TV, say Mexico they have  to phrase it with a bad mexican  accent and use meeiiicccooo),!!!!!!......  very  annoying the same with boxing when boxers announce  a  boxer form puerto rico...( they say it with  bad latin accent and then say puuuuuuueeeerrrtttttoooo  rrrriiiiccccoooo!!!)......why can't they just say PUERTO RICO !!!!! loudly they have to stretch it out for 10 seconds  ...we  F*****G  get it the guy is from puerto rico........

And  these are those the same annoying bastards  on TV that's  say" today  authorities  uncovered a  cargo of  cocaine worth 1 billion and that's witha  B."...well of course we f******g hear you  you retarded media whorebag..

Back to the soap operas ,how do Spanish soap operas  waterproof their make-up ,must be ,because they are always  whining and crying... ....and funnily enough ,.....  you never see the au-pairs, or helps crying ,it always the rich bitches in the mansions because .....well i do not know as  they speak so  f*****g  fast in Spanish soap operas....i have no idea what they are crying about ....i do understand spanish slowly .........

I have watched other  american soap operas...  as the world turns ...yes i do have  a life  and all my..... crumb snatchers/windowlickers/ankle biters..(children)...etc etc ( i do not know or remember the names of the other soap operas  but i know they do not cry relentlessly like their Spanish counterparts..........

How do these women all with very good looking Spanish husbands  always cry is it because their spanx/lycra/velcro/duct tape/push up bra... is  killing them....

I live in south Florida where Spanish population is very prominent and south Florida TV caters to the vastly Colombian and Mexican audience (especially in Miami...

If art portrays the real life ...or vice versa ...somewhere along the line there must be a thought that either Spanish women have constant PMS...(maybe)..... or very emotional...but as beautiful as they are ..the drama TV or real is not worth the beauty ...or the amount of money they must spend on make-up 

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......