Sunday, May 20, 2012

In japan $12'000 melons ....are these people mental

Dark times, I tell you! Just look at what the best Japanese melons in Japan are going for. Dark times.
Means $12,000 Melons
Dark times, I tell you! Just look at what the best Japanese melons in Japan are going for. Dark times.
See, every year, top grade Yubari melons fetch astounding prices. The melons are lovingly grown in Hokkaido greenhouses. This year, the prices were somewhat less astounding (but still bonkers).
In 2008, two Yubari melons commanded ¥2.5 million (over US$30,000) and in 2007, two top grade melons fetched ¥2 million (around $25,000). But after the economy went south, so did the melon prices, hitting ¥500,000 ($6,000) for two top grade melons.

.........Listen up  i  dont know  about you ,i do like melons ones that are grown in the  ground and ones that are  abundant on females ...but thats  another  blog .....

My point is i love melons, great fruit..good for you in all aspects ......but 12g"s/12k   for a melon ...okay so they are grown in hokkaido greenhouses ......what the f*** does that mean , if they were  grown in the cleavage of a very smoking hot geisha girl ,i could get over the price it no .....fools and their  money are easily parted .......just look at the facebook   IPO....this you will get later  !!!!!...Oh and bernie maddoff.....yes he did did'nt he ....and lots of it ...

You see  anything only has  avalue , when someone  is willing to pay for it ,i mean  seriously,..............  if you pay or have paid  12k  for a melon or any article of fruit or fruits are either  really rich and stupid , like kanye( no mummy) west.....

(.if anyone could arrange me to interview  this  idiotic..  talenless turd ..and let me ask him how  he turned stupidity into a million dollar empire .)........i guess there is  a conduit in certain segments of the entertainment  business  that has to allow  for the mentally isufficient. or  the reatrded  so they do not appear  biased in anyways  , know  how honest and giving the music industry  is  these  days .....

yes value no fruit or thing that deteriorates in a matter of days weeks , has got to be worth that  much ...there must be  a lot of really stupid  people in japan...who  would gladly cough up  thats sort of  money for something that will end up  in the toilet  bowl as a  turd ....

I have have never heard of yaburi or been to  yaburi in japan or do i plan to take a trip there  but  i am sure the soil is the same as anywhere  else on mother earth ..

Unless this  melon plays pucinis 4 th suite , in  b  flat major on a s100 year old stradivarious  viloin ...speaks 5 languages ....juggles ....manages to pleasure my innner emotions in a tantric spiritual way ...does pick lotto numbers and washes my car .....then i will get my melon at wal-mart ....

its bad enough that the japanese  con peple into eating parasite ridden  raw fish ,and making it trendy and  calling it sushi .........then offloading the shittiest form of entertainment for  drunk people  karaoke..............becasue we all know  drunk people  cannot sing for  shit  i know i grew up in many parties in scotland where singing was  mandatory it was traumatizing......

what will the japnese try and sell next .......

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