Sunday, May 20, 2012
most expensive coffee in the world passed out the ass...
(NaturalNews) ..........Here's something you probably didn't know about coffee: The world's most expensive coffee, kopi luwak (literally, "civet coffee") is brewed from coffee beans that have been eaten and partially digested by the Asian palm civet, a catlike wild animal. The beans are harvested from the droppings of the civet and washed, and can be brewed into an aromatic coffee renowned for its low bitterness and excellent flavor.
According to coffee critic Chris Rubin, "The aroma is rich and strong, and the coffee is incredibly full bodied, almost syrupy. It's thick with a hint of chocolate, and lingers on the tongue with a long, clean aftertaste."
I,my self and you probably know that for the longest time......
have been in and around coffee for a long long time ...its part of my life to hang around coffee shops, ...why ..well because i can ...pure and simple ....!!!!!!
here's a thing ,i like starbucks hot chocolate..,
...... not their coffee it tastes like ass.......( let me say this is a verbal distinction i make ...i have not tasted ass, its not one of my nocturnal activities ,but anything that's tastes bad......,must be like ass).....i do love panera bread (covelli corp)...and Einseins coffee......
But i have to draw the line at a coffee ,that has been shat out of a cat's ass i do not discriminate how your coffee reaches my cup in my locations ...but through the ass in anyway shape or form is not being consumed by me........
Now if its not bad enough that it has been shat out of a felines ass .....but its also in the price range of between $100 and $3000 a pound...yes folks a pound ,...
Well after all how much coffee can a kitty shit in one sitting.....half a pound of beans ...unless he has had an all you can eat bean sitting at a large plant he found......?
Even more disturbing a coffee critic .(mister rubin)............remarked the aroma is rich and strong ......really ...f******g really.......wonder why am i being sarcastic here ......when something is whammed out the crapper , i think strong is appropriate,...... i would say wow !!!!!!!!!............i have been in bathrooms and aroma from a human ass passing is more than strong .........i would like to say in a bathrooms its :what the hell was that did someone die........?
It gets worse he remarks the coffee is full bodied .......well i am not sure about you but when i dine at a Mexican tienda/restaurant.....when i pass something after a burrito,.....and chips and dips and 4 cups of Mexican coffee ..........yes i would say fullbodied is a term i would use as a terminology....
Then this guy makes this coffee, hilarious absolutely,s almost syrupy ,.....really f***** really, well let me think something that has travelled out your ass is definitely going to be syrupy ..........and he goes on to say it has a thick hint of chocolate and lingers on the tongue....and wait for it ......... a clean after taste!!!!!!
hahahahahahahahahh...okay anything that comes from the ass ,......... is never ,ever, ever, clean not in anyones ass .....of course if you are a member of a Royal family them maybe ......but please please and its chocolaty hahaha really i wonder why its is a chocolaty taste let me see ....
oh this is really too much the hell does mister Rubin make this coffee remark and not fall over laughing either he is a really serious coffee critic or he does not get the ass to mouth relationship deal.....
I do not know about you folks out there, reading this or did someone find out about a cat shitting beans did this person have nothing to do in life ...
How does one discover a cat that shit beans ...
There must be some strange dudes wandering around the planet checking on some strange shit...... ( i mean that in a verbal sense).....
the price of coffee is high enough but convincing people to pay exuberant fees for a coffee....... that has been shat from a cats ass is almost as ridiculous as the $12,000 melon........... or buying into the illusion that kanye west is a singer ????
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THE PRESIDENT .........GOAT ..........
I watched the state of the union address the great ....... one and only....... donald j trump .......... GOAT.......

mark zucherburg just lost 7.2 billion dollars but he has another 82 billion so its not that bad when you have that much cash i guess .......
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