Sunday, May 13, 2012

older actors portraying teenagers ...creepy shit !!!!

Robert Parkinson is playing a 17 year old kid and he is  26 .......i guess if  you are really desperate and  cannot get other lines of work i guess ya  got to keep your agent happy  in Hollywood .............
We all know how much those actors ..straight/gay /ambiguous/bi.....hate having to go to the casting director and having to  blow him /her on that famous sofa we have all heard  about ........unless  you are up there with Johnny depp ,Angelina and a  few of the others who are the cream of the crop....
And what actors want to end up  doing E entertainment, and  reading shit news or doing  porno ......although the greatest thing would be , that kanye west goes  broke and has to end up doing gay porn with William hung or some fallen idol that would be  hysterical and  be  great karma .,,,,,,,..i myself would never watch it  ....that news would be on TV although i would like to see octomum doing porn  for some reason don't know why maybe its because she is an annoying dumb bint.......
its no surprise actors doing younger  people  look at the half baked wannabe actors of Beverly hills  90210 ,  were them losers not in their  late  thirties  trying to  convince  all the pre-pubescent mall rats  who ogle over that  fodder that they were  students .......
I always thought Beverly hills  90210 was a  huge steamimg  pile of  serial TV diarrhea ,much like the new  vampire stuff ...i..... mean  i get  innovation and  change and  new   age,  but that stuff is  not at all scary  more stupid  ........ i did like the old  vampire  shit  it was  fun  ,but this  stuff is not really horrifying as  vampire  movies  should be ...
But TV execs have to have the young vibrant ripped good looking actors , to summon up audiences  ...say like the pre-pubescent mall rats ...because they are tyhe  majority who watch it  ....
You only have to look at GOOD MORNING AMERICA ...or THE TODAY SHOW when one of the cast  has  an appearance  and the Rockefeller plaza is overrun  with  little  girls  fantasizing about  why their  fave  vampire has not bitten them , in  amidst their  confusion between being trapped in hollisters with Justin beiber........ or myley cirus ......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......