Tuesday, May 1, 2012

          Obama .....1     Osama bin laden ........0

Well one year ago today .....the president of the USA  took out the  so called most wanted  man on the  planet ...me personally i thought it was   the cookie monster...

.anyways now he is gone  but i personally think  they knew  where he was all the time...i just find it strange he  was killed  filleted and dumped in the ocean ...

.I mean you would think with him being the most  wanted man on the planet things might have been  different we  will never know  what he done and what he did not  do ....because he was  killed.

.here is why i am a bit disturbed by this other terrorist were taken to Guantanamo or Geronimo base in Cuba whatever it is  and beaten and water boarded    ( personally i love wake boarding its more fun)....and tortured ..

You know they did not get a  lot of info from the other  guys  but osama bin laden had secrets whet they did do was get thumb drives and papers and stuff  but does the real info not  lie  with osama

I myself thought that  he would have been better off  being caught alive and for the peace of all got a chance  to tell what he knew but all the conspiratorial  people are going to wonder what did he take to the grave 

i am  not that  much of  a  patriot of any country  even my native country of Scotland i am not a flag waver  or ever have been  that interested  in patriotism  

The day osama bin laden was killed i saw people  chant USA!!!!! USA  !!!!!  and well if you are a  patriot .....

but the navy seals  could have taken him he was not armed so there fore  he was snot a threat they shot him in the eye and chest  ...its not like he was pointing an  AK 47 at them so why did they  not take him alive  did he know  or would he have dropped  some names of embarrassment 

After all he did business with the CIA  this is not a revelation its fact they have  pix ....so maybe the order was  given to get his ass  quiet

i personally did not give a rats ass whether he lived or died....i did not benefit from him being alive or dead...i know many many people wanted him dead .....

I just do not get why all other AL-quieda guys got beaten and tortured with pix of soldiers bragging about that and they  never kept osama bin laden alive so he might have  got some m more info 

maybe there was more at stake in the govt  keeping him alive ...after all dead men do not testify ............

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