Saturday, May 19, 2012

morgan stanley picked up facebooks slack...all cyber money no papaer

Morgan Stanley had  to buy lots of face book shares  to keep the  price above $38 ..well then  that fact is  that the stock market is a load of  bollocks then  ....

first of  face book was a hype closed  at just over a  quarter  a share on the starting  bid  38 bucks it went to  42 or 45 not sure  i am not that  excited  because i think Zucherburg... will do what all corporations do in the end shit on the people.......much like the  elite rich .and govt know  "no new taxes  and what do they do ....

Investors were off loading shares  apparently there was confusion on the buying and  selling ....its all paper  money trail anyways .....i mean  can  mark zucherburg really...if he wanted  to  cash his money and  get the billions for  the place  wherever it is of  course  not what  bank or  place  has  b billions in cash nowhere ....

Its a total sham liquid  how many people   actually have the liquid  on wall street was  estimated  that facebook makes a  billion a year on  its  advertising but there is not liquid  to prove  why is  this  scam  perpetrated ........

At one point they said before  face book zucherburg had  a  couple of hundred  million  but  does he  have it in cash , and  if not its then bollocks  your only worth is  liquid ...... (that being readily available assets in the terms of real money )....which not a lot of  ceo  have at hand  its tied up  ....

Its like if you have a house worth $300,000 but  if you have  a mortgage on it ,and you are making payments like  a car payment ,its not yours  until you  flog/sell/hawk/offload/dump...and get the  cash in your  mitts ...this is why people  are in the mess they are in 

as i was saying Morgan Stanley bought up shares  to keep the price of face books  stock up ,...then its  a pile of  shit  if you need  to  do that  because the stock is  being falsely marketed  why did it not  get  offered out to  joseph public  because the  financial fat cats/turds/....want to  get the cream and  when they have had  their  fill  then give jo   public  whats  left  same old same old ......

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