Sunday, May 20, 2012

The dictator....very funnny

i do love the way  this man takes the piss out of everyone ...this  movie  is another  in the  line of  satirical assaults  for  Sacha  baron Cohen........

he has  insulted everyone from Andy Rooney to a nation and gets away with it ....i think he is  a comical genius ...

the Brits do suffer from a severe warped sense of humor, and i have heard this  from people  in the USA,  that Brits are disturbed  in their  comedic approach to life (mostly becasue of industrialisation and poverty) ....i have to agree as i am one of those  sickos

I do think life is way too short  to  be serious in anyway shape or form, and anger is wasted  energy ...i am not sure why people  why  waste their  time  with anger,  ..solves  nothing ....and its has  been  proven that laughing is  a  great   healer ...have to agree ... (and anger is a great killer )

i did laugh hard  at the  character assassination of all  in this movie  and  how   he  explained  democracy and shed  comedic light on how  America  is run,......... ( yes that is truly a joke ) ....

one thing grab me in this movie  in a  poignant momen,t  i  did  realise  that Americans are  very tightly wound  up  and take  stuff  way  too serious....maybe once A week  the  country  should take a deep breath and  realise  ....

life is  a stage  there are no dress rehearsals and we  get one shot in life .we are catapulted into the world at  for the time we  are  here  we  have to make  others laugh and once in a while laugh at ourselves

I  never have and will never understand  why and how  people are  coaxed or fooled into the realms of being serious ...if you want an example of how  stupid life is ,  here is a  prime example  of how its all a  joke


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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......