Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial day ..they died and fought for bargains

I am all for people  having a great time ....all the time ,memorial day is a day to remember all those died for the country to be free,........,but how many  people actually give a flying f*** about the real fundamental reason behind memorial day ...there is approximately 250 million people (that  they know about Give or take a  bunch)....

Well if you go back to the trenches of the forefathers or whoever fought in wars ...and can you imagine the conversation ......while bullets are whizzing around their heads and people  dying ...."sarge this  will all be worth it ,.....because in years to come the people of America ,will celebrate our  day of war,....... by buying discounted mattresses at large stores, owned by  the sons of great white american guys ,who had  family stores that had family value .......,but sold out and  took over  entire communities hawking chinese made products  of great value.....

Really how many people walk into sam's club ,....and see a cheap mattress and think this  day was made possible by lots of soldiers dying so we could have this day off  to get  a  really good  bargain...

Most people especially me ...i really do not give a  flying f*** about any holidays  (especially xmas crap  and thanksgiving becasue every day is great)....i  do not need an  excuse to have a day off and  love life .....

But people who have to work 9-5 and look forward to a holiday becasue of  ...days like the 4th of patricks day( not a real fricking day at all ..if you ask me )....or any other they can get off  and  have a  day of doing squat ...

But its really not....Car dealers are licking their lips and all the corporate places are bleeding this day dry  ...MEMORIAL DAY BLOWOUT .....50-75% off the entire  store ....


Where is the suffering and sacrifice in this ads ....they should say .....OUR GREAT COUNTRYMEN DIED SO YOUR CHEAP ASS CAN GET A BARGAIN .........

But maybe i am thinking about this too much it seems like all i see is  boozing /eating /partying /(which is all goooooooddd!!)...and discounted sales and  car bargains .......

It's not  about remembering   all those who fell (well for a  portion it is ) ...but most people  want to get a deal and  have fun...

If it was  all those places that are hawking cars/mattresses/sam's club/home depot...etc etc ..would be closed and not  caring about their shareholders......... and how their stocks are doing....

Because its a great day to take advantage of people who are off work and spend money ...not war .....

I find it strange that we need days to appreciate people who died so that people can live free ...its should be like that all the time ....

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......