Monday, May 28, 2012

Naming storms

Storms get real quaint names ....which to me  does not  coincide  with the people or damage they do ....

Right  now they have  subtropical storm beryl ,..... media  should just say storm a Storm is a  storm ,or its not  .....

  Using sub tropical  makes it  sound  pansy sub standard as in shitty storm shitty  Beryl..

Now to me, beryl  does not sound like a  bad  ass  name , it sounds like a over enthusiastic  gym teacher , who  does flower  arranging on  her  days of , stretching kids  out for a living ...don't know  why  but it  does ....

they name  hurricanes  with names that are  ordinary ...why  can't they  just  say  like  ...hurricane acid ....or  hurricane  belter ...or  hurricane clobber ...or  hurricane damage on and  so forth ....

i simply do not and have  not feared a hurricane , maybe it's because there is a hard  rock  hotel  where i  can  seek refuge and  food  till they  run out  of   food  and   water, and they have  really  great  windows  that  can stand  a lot of  shit .....and  covered  parking ...(nothing better than covered  parking save a shit load of  damage on the vheicle to love the seminoles  for thinking about that and not only money for a change :)  !!!!!!!..........

You see  hurricane  Andrew , killed, and  caused,.....  a lot of  damage  in Florida  in about the late nineties or approximately  there  abouts.,........anyways i was  asleep in a  closet and missed the whole  thing ...

My point being  i  do not relate  Andrew  to   bad  ass,  death, and  total  devastation  ,we  Brits have  prince Andrew , and nice   ex  sailor  Marine sort of  chappie,  not capable of  doing lots of  damage  per say .,...Andrew is  like  sort nice guy  ..

We need  hurricane names,  like gangster names  ,to scare the shit out of  people , so when it does  come,  people  like me  might take its  seriously ..........

Or maybe  relate hurricanes to  bad  ass   guys who were  mean and  killed  people ...........

Like hurricane Pablo Escobar.....or hurricane Charles Manson ,....he f****d a load of people,..hurricane Jeffrey dammer .....
hurricane Saddam Hussein .......hurrican hitler know  real  bad  news  people  that  do bad  shit .....

Or maybe thing like hurricane john edwards ........or hurricane bernie maddoff ...........or hurrican bernie ebbers...etc etc

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......