Monday, May 28, 2012

Justin bieber battered a papprazzi...r u kidding....

Canadian pop sensation justin bieber  ,apparently battered a paparazzi cameraman.........apparently the guy was  taking pictures of  him .....let me stop for  a minute and  say the guy  who got battered  by  Justin  must have  been like a little  bitch ......

Justin roughed up the man .........well here is a thing, definition of  roughed  up  is  definitive of where you  live ....

Canada  roughed  up ...might mean your collar of your  salmon pink polo shirt  may have  got  twisted  or  maybe moved....

Detroit ...roughed up.......means you did lose an eye  got  shot three  times,  all your  gold , got  nicked/swiped/stole/hawked /pinched.......and you lived ....

Miami....roughed up....means you got  shot killed and robbed of all your valuables ......

Scotland ....roughed up ...means they stabbed you ...then used you to keep warm in a fire ......

Russia roughed up ....means you were  killed .......sawn into pieces and fried and eaten ......

Have you noticed the guy is not displaying his wounds  in  public,  how do you  describe a ruffled shirt as  a  wound  .....

the photographer  said ,the singer  physically battered him ...hold on  a  second  .......i a trying no to laugh at this  but this is  about as  funny as  a president saying he was going to help his  voters ....on the same level .....

Listen if you are paparazzi you better  expect to get kicked in the balls  for photographing a  celebrity , you know how they hate  to limelight ,and the exposure  ...all they want is  a quiet life  ..right ....I mean i think this  guy should let sleeping dogs lie  ....

you know if Justin bieber  beats your  ass might want to get some MMA lessons or go back to living with your  mommy ......


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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......