Monday, May 14, 2012

mark zucherburg ...facebook and $100b.......

Everyone is  saying is  mark Zucherburg old enough to handle the helm of  $100 billion dollar company ..... he wears  hoodies and  sneakers ....

  Is it better to give it to  those suit wearing motherf****r's who are just as incompetent as anyone else and if  not corrupt is  an example ..... 

Bernie  maddof  look at this old shit ruined  many many people  lives and almost brought down the palm beach economy..     .Bernie  ebbers  another old  captain of indiustry ....these  are  just two  why is it that  they  think  the old  guys  are  going to  do  a better job than mark zucherburg ..because he is  28 and wear a hoodie and sneakers ..............

Don't you get fed up hearing  ............."our founding fathers would turn in their  graves  if they saw this ....well sure they would that's because they  did not use  computes worked by candlelight banged  slaves used muskets and wore  really really really  ......and i mean really stupid  white  fricking wigs ...........

This is  2012  times  change  for the founding fathers  ...look at whats  going on in them   days  they never had  certain things that make  life  easier ..........

We have to stop looking back or we  will fall over  ..........

The founding fathers  would be  eaten alive by the industrious  smart  intelligent  likes of  mister  zucherburg....
times have  changed  the old  suits  are  being fired  its  business and how its  done ....

Mark zucherberg  may shove  a pole up the arses of the captains of  industry and we all know they are all  f***ing crooks only need to look at B.P/ senators/the old  boys  clubs  with the smell of old spice ....... cigars ....... and  cotton starch ..and of   course the  expensive  brandy that you and i  and the rest will pay for ......
Its not about youth that bother  the  old  threads(suits)  shirt and tie  brigade ...its the change  .......

Maybe mark zucherburg will bring something new  to the captains of industry ........a  valuable and  amazing commodity that the old  school /ivy league/good old  boys have never  heard  of  before ...........HONESTY !!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I heard he uses backpage escort section


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......