Monday, May 14, 2012

Abortion...isnt it the womens choice ..after all its in her body......

Abortion is  always a sore subject more ways than one....!but i will always say is it not up to the women who is carrying the child to decide ....after all its growing inside her ...not in a place or container  or anything .....
I never quite understood or cared to  know why the roe versus wade  deal was so big.....the only person who should decide to keep or kill is the woman who is impregnated ......
Now personally i am not sure what contributes life  is it when the sperm hits the egg...or when it starts to grow as  a  little  thing in the first  month....and i  do get the fragility of  existence .....but whom ever is  carrying the fetus egg   then possession is  nine tenths of the law...
I am not getting all feminist and  shit but the whole abortion thing i think is if the woman wants the child then  fine if she doesn't then fine  no one else should have  a say.
One time in my existence on this earth i was  in a relationship and had accidentally fertilized the  female i was with ,it certainly was not the right time or moment in life to consider extending my genetic the relationships was complicated ......
 But in moment things can take a turn sometimes not for the good ,as this person was married and was involved in messy departure and this would not have looked court at a court hearing.........
The other person was adamant about what should be  done as it would have  lead to way more good than bad  by bringing another life into a complicated i did agree that an abortion would be the best solution ,i knew it was wrong to terminate a life .....but i was not having the life growing inside me ,so respectfully i had to agree to whatever made this person happy.....
After all said and done it does take two to tango and two to do the deed ,so i decided that i would be at the place where the abortion is performed .....i can honestly say its not the best  place to ever want to visit any state of mind .....i can only say that was the one and only time ,i found it a  harrowing experience so i am sure  it was not a good feeling for the other person
I often ponder on what we both did ..if we denied a  soul a right to be something special in this life ...we both did after we parted company...
It is  a woman's right and i truly feel no one should make the decision apart from her after all its her body ......

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