Monday, May 14, 2012

new jersey ...texting .... while walking.......!!!!!!!!

Well i have always been a candidate to say there is always the one that spoil it for the rest of us all.....
Proof is in the pudding ........
New jersey will be fined  $85 for walking and texting ........well here in lies a problem what will all these gobby/mouthy/yappy/whiney/big haired housewives gonna do.........
 How will they be able to bitch each other out or whine at their husbands ........or mob wives do they have to sit down ...
And will the mafia move in and  set up stool areas  for people  to sit  down you now like a stool valet service ......
You see three people  who were not paying attention got f****d /slammed /hurt /run over ...
And now cops are saying they are a  danger who ?????? themselves ...well maybe a  cracked  skull might cure the texting habit ..
 A month on a life support machine , should cure you form  texting if  it doesn't....then.... you belong on the cast of jersey shore, or you must be related  to snooki...or kanye west......or that big gorilla on mob wives with the tits and the man voice ....
If you cannot walk and text at the same time you should net even own a phone ........................

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  I used to love  quaker ......... but  these  fucking assholes  ........use  chemicals  .......bad  chemicals their   farms  ........