Sunday, May 27, 2012

gas prices ...fixed for memeorial day ....just in time!!!!!

We all know  gas prices are rigged  to coincide  for the travellers ...this  being a special year !!!!its important for our political nominees ..(they have to look like they care  of  have feelings for the human race).......after all they need your  vote,....just for a  day.

When you give people or  revellers/partiers/tourists/drivers........a feeling (not that  kind of feeling)... but a feeling that the govt is  caring for them  for  that weekend makes  them  get a positive  spin about their  economy might being on   the mend know  psuedo dynaics ...then it converts to votes ......?

After all the hard  working individual need  to feel  he is  not getting totally F*****d over  7 days a week..... ...and is actually getting a deal and the  govt  is  maybe  cutting him slack on this special day !! being memorial day, and all you know that day ,... where  all military  guys who gave their life/limbs/mind/personality...all aforementioned....for this special day.....we all know  how the govt cares  for the mortally wounded  ....   : 0    ......

 If the strength of the dollar  defines the outcome of the price of  a barrel of oil .........well  the  you know  the govt  control the price of  gas  ...very simple financial dynamics by that rationale...the govt decides  when the average  Joseph public ,,,,gets a  break  ...and  it is important to give them a  break on a day when,  soldiers are  getting whammmed  by the plane load  

After all people want to feel  they arrived at their  destination  with a  few  extra  dollars .....!!!  in the pockets/wallets/handbags/moneyclips/rubber band...whatever they use ......

  it is a  nice feeling know that when they are sitting with their .........friends/associate/cohorts/friends/buddies/acquaintances/members......they may return after that special day !!! and feel that their govt cares  about them...........?

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......