Tuesday, May 15, 2012

John Edwards giveing mistress 9k a month

GREENSBORO, N.C. (AP) — Records introduced Tuesday at John Edwards' corruption trial show his campaign finance chairman paid the candidate's mistress a $9,000 monthly cash allowance, on top of other living and travel expenses.........

Here is  why the whole voting ,deal fries my chips(fries)....we had this  man  john Edwards, who was a  smooth talking ...all American perfect presidential hopeful.......

And women were swooning over him and he  was empathetic because his wife  was  dying of cancer ........

And  he  was blatantly stealing money from the American people to give to his ho,  who he was  banging while his wife  was  dying....

Now this  goes to show you , what numb nutted , weak ass  no good , has been  this guy was...(next to kanye west)..you think  he  could have  kept it in his pants, till his  wife  croaked  ....

Nope  he  knocked  up the bitch who was  trying to get him  because she  knew his  wife  was  dying .....

He was  going to run the country, and  what was  he doing banging a broad ...........

How  can you let a man  run a  country  when he is thatH  stupid ...really , i think William hung ...would do a better job.......

(William hung being the man that sung  rick martins  ...living la Vida loca  ...very badly and  then move on to make  millions , because people do not know music apparently ........why would you buy  a bad version of living la Vida  loca ...why would you buy a  good version of it ...!!!!!!!

I do hope  john Edwards  get shiton for this,  when are the American voters  going to realise,....... its all a  game and you are not important, your  votes for that day ......

.That's the only things that the govt  gives  a shit about .....
After that you may as  well be a pubic hair on a  toilet seat ...
Votes are only good , for one thing  the day of election, after that they like you do not matter ..........

If you did America would not be in the shitter  like it is right now ......

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......