Tuesday, May 15, 2012

michael guist of swamp people dies....

Well Michael Guist of the swamp people , died...apparently he  fell over the side of the boat.......

Personally i did not think he was that  famous.....

But apparently  the history channel  did  three seasons  on people  living in the bayou ......who the hell would wants to live there ).

Now as i see it is  absolute ,shit  apart  from a  few, i mean a a few  channels,.........

But i got to thinking, is  the history channel  so desperate all they can do is  film a reality TV about  people living in a  swamp.......

This  shows you how bad reality TV has gotten ,when the history channel and  the swamp has  nothing to do with history.......well it  could be  if you look at how old it is , but  its  not about the age of the swamp its about people living in swamp ........

Are people reaching an all time low  here in  media, i mean what the hell exciting can be done in a swamp    apart from dying of course  that's up there ......

But the swamp ...i mean  how  do these  guys go from there as  celebrities  go ,do they do world tours of  other  swamps and get celebrity appearances  say at the everglades ........

I mean what  loonie in their  right  mind  would  want to go to a  celebrity appearance of a swamp  man .....

Right of the top he  must  smell  they do bathe in bleach in the  show which tell you  it  f****ng smell bad in a  swamp.....

And here's  another  thing does one take the wife and the kids  to  get autographs of the swamp man ....scare the living bejesus out of the little crumbsnatchers...(kids)............

I guess if you live in a  place like  Arkansas and  wear camouflage all your  life and  kill hogs .........then he must be a rock star there ...as i  did live there  its  pretty much a  shit hole form hell ....oh and john Deere ..
I guess  swamp man could do  appearances  for  john Deere  the largest  official shitkicker  company of the face of  mother  earth......
When know  how those  swamp people  love green things  with deer...

Well at least he  never overdosed on cocaine binge...or heroin  much like the rock stars  do  i guess  he was not up there  yet 

But in the world of hunting?shit kicking/trapping/killing defenceless animals/hog hunting/john Deere/camouflage /and of course guns and ammo store  he  was  a celebrity.....he died  what he  knew doing  best ....in the swamp ......


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yes he is. There are people who live life to its fullest what ever it has to offer... no matter their circumstances...then, there are others who are so self righteous...well, that leaves a rotten odor that smells a lot like chared remains...Is that you burning, John? Careful... you might

Anonymous said...

Hey john. You sound to me like a self righteous, ignorant hypocrite. Before you start bashing people who live in the swamp, You yourself might want to learn proper grammar and how to spell. You stupid moron.

internationalhippie said...

thank you anonymous its just a blog,but i guess life is too serious for you ...i guess you cannot see hilarity in death ....you must be afraid of everything ...anonymous hows that for fear its all good ...(chared) its charred not chared guess you have never been to a cremation...figures scared and all ...must be sad to live in fear no reply e-mail ....hope you like my other blogs : )


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......