Wednesday, May 9, 2012

hostel ...the movie and tourism

I liked the movie   HOSTEL done by tarrantino, but one thing i got to thinking,it could not have done any favours to the  Slovakian tourist industry .....
 First off the country is not exactly rolling in dollar bills or its own countrie's currency.....whatever they call it ,and anyways i probably could not spell it.........
As far as i am lead to believe Slovakia and its surrounding eastern bloc friends are fricking ......... poor,.......piss poor, a friend of mine was intending to have said relationships with a Moldavian bint ,but she was so broke ...she could not pay attention.......

Well the movie was set in Slovakia and centered around some kids  going to a youth hostel  and tour,well they never  really got what they expected ....if you are not a  horror movie buff then most horror movie they got f*&6#ed up pretty bad cut in pieces......
So in all fairness if you are American and go to broke ass  countries where peasantry is like normal..then you may want to save your dollar bills and got to the local titty bar/strip club/gentleman's club....and get  an authentic wiggle /wriggle/lap dance...from a  Slovakian/Ukrainian/Hungarian/uzbhakistanian/Russian....chick with a cute James bond safety of the USA ....way safer!!!!

When you leave the confines of good old USA ..and board a plane to  a country that looks like its still picking up from the second world war ,and everything is grey and people look like they are 80 when they are only 25........
eastern bloc countries never have or will ever be enticing enough i have been to Belgrade in the 80"s when the grand colour of everything was grey....yes depressing place was called Yugoslavia then.....was not impressed then and i am not impressed now ..........
The other  thing about the whole movie is it did not do anything for the women of these countries ...yes they are absolutely smoking hot !!!!!!!...but if you really need to  get with them then the ones that got  out of the poverty work in all the strip could pork one  for less than the price of flying ....its not a  secret  ....way less!!

I am sure the Slovakian tourist board was not over the moon that tarrantino depicted Slovakia as a  broke ass, peasant, thieving murdering, run down,sneaky vicious place with hot women who will sell you for money to an art gallery!!! extremely rich people who  pay extraordinary amounts of money  to satisfying their craving  to butcher innocent  non Slovakian tourists....well you know they say art imitates the real life .........?

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......