Thursday, May 10, 2012

Barock obama and same sex marriage ..its political

Listen it's election year and why would anyone be surprised why president Barack obama would sanction same sex marriage..........
You know the president has to rally up as many candidates as he can so he can serve another term ,so he can re-build America like it used to be ...
 .you know happy free and everyone in like normal.....(if you believe that then you will believe there is a 3ft Irishman dressed in green running around say"where's me lucky charms!!!).....
We all  know America is totally f****ed good and proper and is being sold everyday bit by bit to those wonderful honest Chinese people,who only care about your future  most like the govt that all American put their trust in...
I personally do not give a  shit if the president allows or sanctions same sex marriage ,it will just be another business that  attorneys will make money from,it does not matter  anyways because its legal in some states..
 I personally think and have  always thought that marriage is  a total sham ,like wedding days its totally for the bride  while the woman gets a really really expensive dress ......the guy gets stuck into a penguin suit,,,show me a groom that  looks happy in a penguin suit its wrong ..
And the only reason the guy goes through with it  because that's the only day in his life when he will have the best sex .ever because a wedding night is the night a woman has to be the biggest whore in her relationship....its expected  and she has to live up to the ordeal...of the honeymoon ..after all her  daddy has coughed up a shit load of hard earned loads for this one day for her ....he then gets to take advantage of that day ...after that its all down hill lie....he does get to tell her father that he can now bang his daughter ..because now its his wife ....before he had to be a wimp .......
Anyways as  i have  veered of the subject of same sex marriage ,I think Barack obama will get lots of support for the gay and lesbian community ,although i do sincerely think ...that  only voting for a president because he is changing a little ..for your own selfish reason ....we all know that Barack obama was voted in because he was very very smart and took advantage of the state of America ,he will continue to find ways to get people to vote for him ,and there will always be people searching for a new tomorrow 
 But politics is like dating ,,the guy will always tell the girl what she wants to hear as long as he gets what he wants ...........

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