Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Sooki is giving birth to a meatball.....Snooki will soon have a new man in her life. The "Jersey Shore" star is expecting a baby boy! The reality TV star, whose real name is Nicole Polizzi, has announced that she and her fiancé, Jionni LaValle, will be having a son when that little meatball arrives late this summer.

                                  Snooki told Intouch magazine

Snooki will soon have a new man in her life. The "Jersey Shore" star is expecting a baby boy!
The reality TV star, whose real name is Nicole Polizzi, has announced that she and her fiancé, Jionni LaValle, will be having a son when that little meatball arrives late this summer. 

All i can say is this  Little  going to have a miserable  existence  where ever he goes ....when your  mum is snooki, you are  grilled/cooked  done would be like  sayng you father  is  kanye (no mummy )west.....doomed ...( by the way kanye's father is  not around to take on his son's fame wonder why) ?.....

all people  know snooki  from is  drinking ,whoring tanning ,trying to dance ,being annoying ,getting hit,  the kid is going to have many issues ...

Snooki was  adopted by Italian parents,...... she is  of Spanish decent wonder  why the  Spanish parents dumped her on a  couple of italians ,........(poor parents) the kid is going to be  dilusional form the starting grid ..............

Her Spanish parents must be sitting somewhere  going   "i told you didn't "  i knew  she  was  a  nut job ......

now  snooki is trying to look half  normal ,........(half  being the operative  word )........ this  poor little meatball better  grow  tall or  is he is  snooki's size  this little meatball  will be  bitch slapped  every day of his life .....

First impressions last a lifetime kardashian does not matter what she does ...people remember her  for showing her booyah ,..... its  like snooki  stormed on in new  jersey acting all stupid drunk retarded and really dumb with her hair and tan ..

So even if she  does write a book ,.....or make a documentary on the benefits of being a mother with sppirutual aspirations, and  loving care ...who the hell is going to believe a pint sized  loud  noisy wannabe Italian drunk .......

Snooki got knocked up for two reasons ...the idiot who really is mentally retarded and desperate for  fame, and a complete wanker......was the only guy who wanted to have  sex  with a human penguin .......

she will make money from the child like all these  idiotic reality so called star's who think they should be recognised for their insecure demonstrations at fame ......

Only a  few reality stars make it in in the media ......but trying to be recognised as a talent for being drunk /tanning  that's Lynsey lohan's job........................

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......