Thursday, April 26, 2012

new gingrich   we all knew  he  was  done  for .........

newt gingrich  folded  well we  all knew  .....i mean not to be  funny  where the hell did  his parents find his name  in a pond  ..trouser lizard  i mean is  that his  real name ...or is  it  his  stage  name   ...i mean  we  all knew  we  could  never  have a  president  of the  good old  USA  called  newt ....c'mon ...i mean .mitt is  going to  be  bad  enough   but  not as  bad  as  newt   we  all think of the geico  lizard  we  you say  newt ....i mean this   fricking  ding dong  want to colonize the moon  for  gods  sake least  mitt  is  a mormon  and  he is  indirectly  connected  to    marie osmond and  to me  that is  game   newt  brings  nothing to the table  he has  been  married  three or  four times so he is  a  cheater   like  john edwards  but  on a less  glamorous  scale   he  has  nothing   exciting to  bring to the table     clinton had  the saxophone  on jay leno ....goerge   bush  had  the twin daughters ....barock  really had   only barely managed  obama  girl  but  really  she  did not get that  famous ...not  sure  what  happened  to here  o and  George had  conoleeza rice  quite attractive in a   librarian conservative  sort of   musical genius  sort of  way  you know  these  really  clever  women  dress  conservatively   thats how  you  know  they are  smart  they  do not  need  to 
 expose much their  minds are their  sex  objects i am  glad  newt is out  make  way for  someone   decent  he knew all along  he  was getting  beat  santorum was  great  his  wife  was  hot   that  gave  him  game   ...but as a person  who really does  not give  a rats ass  about voting  i like the drama    hat  goes  with it  ....although i do miss sarah  palin  i think  people   thought she  was dumb i think  she  was a   game player  and using  her  stupidity as a  cover  either  way i liked  her .........

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