Monday, April 30, 2012

                          Maybe i am a pig or something

I don't know  about anyone else  but  being single  means  i can really do whatever  i want,however if you are in a relationship things are different, because your significant other will not be happy if you are staring at a  hot girl/guy/whatever side of the fence your on .........(in Florida that can be  a whole other  blog but i will stay on this ).

Anyways i was getting a cup of  my morning java/Joe/blend/  whatever you call it and in line was  a really hot chick...being a single hot blooded  male who loves  all sorts of eye candy ( let me say if you got diabetes by looking at hot chicks  i would be diabetic by now)........ 

But one thing rattles my cage  if a  girl is going to dress with her cans trying to escape at 9 am....i got to look and she knows she is  dressing provocative ......but here is why  it gets retarded know you  have  a nice rack and legs that will not stop so why get  hacked off when someone  like me is staring at your cans ...if you are going to dress like a ho i am going to look at you like  a ho  its  the dynamics of life ......

i get the whole  chick power deal that women talk about  but when i see the like of  beyonce  with  nothing more than a dishcloth ...this is how  i remember  her  by  nothing more 

maybe someone who dresses  like she is  going to  a  revue  has little to offer upstairs and  more downstairs but that's all good  all i am saying i  i see  a woman  half naked  and  you see this in  Florida a lot if you have to  let the  twins hang out then you are really attracting pigs like me to stare at your goods ,i am not looking for intelligence all i see is  a babe  hanging her  rack out so it is what it is  right 

You know i have been to  some govt building (let me clarify this by saying nothing criminal on my behalf ) and saw women walk around with  nice suits on and let me say they look  very elegant and  intellectually hot    i am not sure but i  do not think  many govt buildings  let  women walk around with their  twins  trying  to escape .......

my point in this  blog as long as  women are going to dress  like skanks/ho's entertainers/stripper...or whatever  i will keep staring  i am all for it  but   if you cannot hack a pig like me  staring at your ass and  legs  then  maybe  you have  less upstairs  in that bleached head  than i already gave you credit for  ......


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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......