Wednesday, December 11, 2024


Well if you are a  stupid fuck ....and  have  no street  smarts             and   do not know........ the difference of  shite and shinola.........a woman  will never  accept  blame........  and if you area  stupid   cunt   .......she cheated  ....... because  she  knew  she  could........ and  you are  to weak  to  do anything about it other  words  sir !!!!!! are  a  fucking pussy !!!!!!!  .....leave  her........ or  get a hooker........ and  tell her  ......... man up  you fucking bitch !!!!!!!!!.......

DEAR DEIDRE: MY wife had an affair and somehow it seems it is my fault. She’s a master at gaslighting and manipulation.

We’re both approaching 40 and have been married for ten years. We have a son aged eight.

At the start of our relationship, she was loving and generous, always writing me little love notes, buying me gifts and making me feel special.

But I think that was just an act to get me to fall in love with her.

Once we were married, it all stopped. Instead, she started making me feel like I wasn’t good enough.

She’d flirt with other men in front of me, put me down and compare me to her friends’ husbands, who earned more money in their jobs or were better looking.


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The more she did it, the more it knocked my confidence, especially in the bedroom.

Over the last few years, I’ve felt so inadequate that I’ve stopped coming on to her.

When we do have sex — at her initiation — I sometimes can’t perform. Then she’ll make me feel like half a man.

Recently, I discovered she’s been sleeping with a guy who she works with.

I confronted her and, instead of being contrite, she at first denied it and then blamed me.

She said if I gave her the attention she needed, she wouldn’t have had to go elsewhere for sex.

Dear Deidre: Spotting the signs your partner is cheating

I feel so jealous and unable to trust her. But if I try to talk to her about it, she just shuts me down.

I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to leave my son, but this marriage is destroying me.


DEIDRE SAYS: This marriage is making you desperately unhappy and destroying your self-esteem.

She is being emotionally abusive and she sounds narcissistic. See my support pack, Abusive Partner, for more information on this.

I understand that you don’t want to leave because of your son, but from what you describe, he could have a more stable life if you went your separate ways.

Being around parents in such a dysfunctional relationship will inevitably have a detrimental impact on him.

You can still be a good dad, if apart.

Take some legal advice on ending your marriage. My support pack, Thinking Of Divorce?, has practical guidance.

You can also find help and support through, a charity that helps men escape abusive relationships.

Get in touch with Deidre

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  Well i personally think the surper nowls are  getting shittier and  shittier    they are  running out of     ideas   .....for ads  ......a...