Wednesday, December 11, 2024



It's that time of the  week......... when todd puts in his   enlightened   positive  letter   .......firt off thank you todd ......always  makes   my day  and  you  know  it is  always  nice  to see you  nice posts  in amongst my  degradation  .....half naked  whores and    suchlike   things  and    madness thanks ......goody goody gumdrops ........always   loved  here  ........

12/11/2024 Your Fun and Inspiration Weekly Newsletter


Todd Puntolillo Writer, Author, Artist 

10:45 AM (6 hours ago)
to me

A great way to make any project more comfortable.

Magical beauty exists when you're in

the right place at the right time.

A bad "EGG SAMPLE" of being in the wrong place on the wrong day!!

Steve, How do you find all these beautiful places???

You've got to read the directions or pay the price! LOL!

Our friend Harold from the Philippines.

My sketch of Harold

A child's perspective...

Look who gets the last word!

Consciousness expanding...

Friends and Family Forever!

Imagine life today if Noah hadn't brought two mosquitoes onboard!

Life would be marvelous for all of us

if we all left "criticism" out of the equation!

Todd Puntolillo | 1501 Cayman Way K4 | Coconut Creek, FL 33066 US

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  Well i personally think the surper nowls are  getting shittier and  shittier    they are  running out of     ideas   .....for ads  ......a...