Tuesday, December 24, 2024


 As always  thank you todd ....... for  your  contribution of  positive  enlightenment ......in the   crazy world ....... and   my  bizarro    blogs  .....it is  always nice  to  have a  post  without  acidic  rhetoric  ........thank you todd ..........

Welcome to our Special Holiday Newsletter


Todd Puntolillo Writer, Author, Artist todd@toddpuntolillo.ccsend.com 

11:00 AM (3 hours ago)
to me

Steve's amazing photo! To me, this one represents the eye of the One who watches over us all.

Seasonal beauty...

The most adorable reindeer I've ever seen!

It's fun to decorate your home at Christmas time ... but your dog???

I was so fascinated by this kitty that I decided to invite her back.

These holidays are big for the kids. I think Santa

would bring this little one anything she asked for!

This was my Honey asking Santa for a new car last year!

By golly, he deliverd one! Who could say "No" to her?

These are Mary, Joseph, the baby Jesus and the wise men. I'm the photographer. It was a long time ago, long before polaroids!

The following thoughts are from my deepest wisdom... Well, actually, I copied them...

This is Merlyn after she arrived from the Philippines.

She had never seen snow, so I took her to Arizona

and we got a heavy snowfall. She was fascinated!

Ho Ho Ho! Merrrry Christmas!..and a Happy New Year!

Todd Puntolillo | 1501 Cayman Way K4 | Coconut Creek, FL 33066 US

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  Well i personally think the surper nowls are  getting shittier and  shittier    they are  running out of     ideas   .....for ads  ......a...