Saturday, November 30, 2024

EVERY NOW AND THEN ...........


Every now and then .....i like to remind people ........ why i do ......not for  money .....nope ......i swear too much....... and  post  very  acidic....... caustic ......... stuff....... and i am sure  ad   people  ......  would rather  not    be  affiliated  with the truth ........could you imagine !!!!!!!!....... ads and  the truth !!!!!!!......does not go .....if you do not  know  what the fuck i am talking about are  one of  them .........if you do not  know   ....then you are   fucked  ........proper  fucked  .......and probably  vaccinated   too .......double proper  fucked  .......if you have been  vaccinated  more than once  ........then they  got  your  ass .........does the  word  RNA  strand   mean anything ........ of course it does  not .........   all the  sheep who  went  to the  vaccine  pen .........  never   even checked ....... what the   fuck they were   getting   .... ....they  just let  some  paycheck  whore /  parasite   ..........  inject  them ..........i find   it  servile....... and   fucking   numbing  that   people  are   stupid  enoug..........h to trust  a person  who is paid  by the hour .......  and  misinformed ........brilliant scam !!!!!!!......however  !!!!!!  is  a long term thing....... do not  worry  ......... they will use it ....... when  they need ......  mind  and  brain   control ........  you are already  primed  fool !!!!!.........however ......... the  reason i am posting in here is  to let  people  know stuff/things/bio/insults/anything .......  nope  could not  pay the  bills ...... or  frills ...... or buy the   dentist new  drills .........  no sir .......... a bit of haiku for your  arse writing is  not of   the   variant  of   english........  it is   my style........ i have  used in here  for  years ...... ...why ?......well why not  .....i hate   commas ...... and  apostrophes....... and all the  rule   bullshit .......Shakespeare   did not ....... follow  rules   neither..........  did  robert burns ....... and  neither  shall i .......the dots ...... represent  breath....... and  thoughts ......  only seconds ......usually six  dots ......well it is  a  very  divisive  number ......sometimes.......  it depends on how i feel.......... some  people   get  confused ......   because they are  not reading   with   breath ........i do not plan   my blogs  .........they are   straight out of  my thought process  ........ planning is  never  good .......   it takes  to long .......and  i have  shit to  do  ......... so  my thoughts  are   what is  .......right there   right now  ......they may  change   or  not you  could  be   insulted   but  forgiven   .........   4  blogs   later   ....except the  following servile  bastards ..........  joe  biden ......and   kamala   harris.......  and  that  ugly useless  bastard  whoopi  goldberg  did that  pig  get a   name  after a fart   cushion......... and   a  jewish  last name .......i still wonder .......  what a  fucking mess with all that in mind ......... if you cannot read....... it or  understand it ........i can........    then it is not for  you is  like a   blog journal.......  of  my  thoughts on  life   ....or as  the  proverbial  2 cents ........ they say  ......just adding what i think   crazy or not  informative .......maybe ......just random  crazy shit i find  ........and of  course  if you would like to post random shit.......  feel free to post  it to will cut it....... and  paste  it......  exactly as  you   sent it to me ........if you want to remain anonymous  then fine ....if  not  ........and as always........ i post some random pics  from my library ...................

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I LIKE TAYLOR BUT ,.........

  Listen .......i think taylor  swift talented......  smart ....... and  of  course ......  very ....... very.........  and i mean.............