Sunday, September 22, 2024



Well as ylu all know   ....or not  ....i like to post  todds's weekly letter ......why   ...well he is  my freind .....and it is  always  guaranteed  clean  ........unlike  my rhetoric  ......which usually is  filled  with character assassinations........ and   septic   comments i have no faith in human  beings ........i used to ....then as i got older  i realized.......99.9999999%  of the planets  were  full of shit did not help being  raise in  Scotland  .....or as  people  say bonnie  Scotland  ......right !!!!!!........well anyways  here is    todd's   nice clean fun rant ........enjoy .........   

Todd Puntolillo Writer - Author - Artist 

Wed, Sep 18, 10:35 AM (4 days ago)
to me

Children can have wisdom!


Jeniere's photo of Alaskan beauty

Steve's photo of Pittsburgh Skyline from a great vantage point.

Six of my favorite portraits I've done.

Well...Have you been practicing?

Sunset photo Submitted by my long time friend,

Bob Roth, whom I met in California 48 years ago.

And Poof! Jeniere is in Amsterdam. Pretty place, funny sign!

We all expound our beliefs daily. I call them our ministry.

Logic is sometimes left behind...

Todd Puntolillo | 1501 Cayman Way K4 | Coconut Creek, FL 33066 US

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  I  not  sure  if the  same  guy   is  running  FEMA   ........... who was   years  ago     but apparently........  it was  a  post given t...