Monday, August 12, 2024



As i have mentioned ........ many...... many....... and i mean  many  times  .....this blog is not  for everyone is  laced with swearing........ profanity ........ character  assignation.... ...truth.......  and   personal assaults ..........even on my self  ..........why  you may ask!!!!! .......and i say  why the fuck not !!!!! ........i do not  ask for money !!!!!!......or support !!!!!! ...........but if you would like  to give  a  mill or  two  ...i will gadly snatch out from you.........with my grubby hands!!!!!!!  ........well not   exactly   grubby......... i am a  germophobe ........and they are clean .........however .......

they or whoever   put an   access  limiter on  coming in here ......... which  i think is  fair ........ its good ........  so you know ......... what you are  getting into ........not   for  the weak pussy  mommies  boys  ..........or  bitches ....... who get  offended  at everything  ......i  do not hold  back....... speak the truth........ and   sometimes.......   indulge  in  jest and  frivolous   panderings in a   rhetorical sense ...

But is all about  fun and  letting whoever  wants  to  read  have  fun and  insight  to my  ramblings and   posts .......

And as i say.......... if you would like to add your  addition........ like my friend   todd  does .......... weekly  letter  ..........  then  do what todd  does  e-mail it  to internationalhippie ........and i will cut and  paste  it   exactly as you sent it ...........

Air your dirty laundry !!!!!!......confess your  sins  a  confessional  ....say what you feel info on  your life ........ business   ........or  whatever  it is ........ you fucking  do me is  your  platform too .....  i willingly accept all donations a sperm  bank  .........but  not in a  cup  .......or  semen   ......just a metaphor .......about donations ....or blood enjoy whatever  comes in here  i am never  sure what i will be posting   it is  complete  random at that  moment  i am  here   like  fresh  baquettes ......

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  There is no such thing as sex  addiction is  a high sex  drive  .......but hey!!!!!! .......why not !!!!!!......he is a lucky ......