Monday, June 3, 2024



Every now and  again .....i like to post the  reason  why i do  this ........well  there is   no reason ......or  rhyme's an  unpaid love  .......for   something i   always  wanted ads sponsors  ......i could not get sponsors some  of  my blogs........  are  very  .........very .....and i mean  very   insulting some   people  who are easily   insulted  ........all it is ..... is point of  view  ....  on  life  ........or  facts  .........or info  .....or something that might be  amusing ......i think.......  mostly life is a pile of  shite  .........injected  with jest...... and  frivolity......... and  sometimes    the  odd  things  jars  one!!!  .....which i  have to post  to show  people i  do  have  a side  .....that cares's only words  as  they say .......but in my mind  words  if it only takes  words  to  upset you  ....then there is  deeper  issues  you are dealing with ......i do not  have  much  faith in human beings .........  after i  see  what happens in wars   .....when innocent  children are  fried ........ and  burned........ and  killed ...... for  no apparent  reason .......but that is war !!!! ...and war is  business ......we are  living  in some  strange  times  ...i was  fortunate  to live and  see some things  evolve  in   decades  of  greatness  like   60's70's 80's.90's......i am  glad  i saw these  amazing times  .......but now   we  are living in times ........ where  people are  buried in their  phones one  speaks ........ or  talks ....... to  each other .......phones   have  made us  ignorant  to human contact .....and things  are  not  going to get  better .........

Anyways  i like to post in here to let  people  know  how  life  is........ and  crazy things are  ....... it is basically my two cents the media .......or  circus media of   pure   stupidity ........the media  just   blinds  us  with  shit  ......and when people  are blinded  enough ,,,,they do shit  behind our  back .......i personally think the media  is   the  evil giant i just  try and  make light of   the  toxicity of    all the shit  going on .....sometimes i post  whatever i am thinking about now  .....and the  thoughts i am    spewing .........its  a slice of  my life  everyday .......of  what i like doing  .....for many years  ...... i wanted  a place to vent  stuff ......and i was blessed  to find  ....this  whole  thing  called i find  things  to  rant and  rave  about  ....and it is  like a conduit   of  release  ......hey !!!!!better  than a  psychiatrist .......or therapist ........or as they  say (the rapist )......or (psychotherapist).....psycho the rapist .......just my thoughts !!!! .....i am sure  they mean  well........ and  do  a great  job .....for many .....any help is  better  than no help at all !!!!!.....just remember.........responsibility is over rated !!!......don't take life too seriously ......  and of course   yesterday is  history .......tomorrow is  a mystery.......  and today is  a  gift!!!! ......and that is  why it is  called  the present .........


here is  a pix of my crazy  sock collection  ....i have  so many can never  ever .....have enough socks ........

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  I am lost for words  here .....i mean what the  fuck is wrong with our  world  ......  kids   killing  anyone ........ adults   ........wa...