Wednesday, May 15, 2024

YOU HAD TO KNOW ..............


You had to know....... it was only a  short matter of time .......before  some  idiots would fuck this shit up ........because of social. media ......they are not the  smartest  cunts on  the  planet .......and  the only fans fuckers  ...... they are just high tech peeping toms ..........and  well........ a free titty  show .....i am not  against it ......but there are  a lot of  conservative bastards ........  wandering around ....... who are easily offended ........ at  anything idea of  offensive....... is  hilary  clinton's  ankles /cankles ......those are  fucking horror  shows .....proper  ....... horror  shows ........not  cans/tits/light/hounds/sisters/cousins/globes/jugs/lamps/breasts..................oh well ......

"Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It

A company placed portal-shaped "sculptures" in the cities of Dublin and New York, allowing residents across the pond to essentially have a public, non-stop Zoom meeting with each other.

The marketing stunt went about as well as practically anybody could've expected. While residents initially waved innocent signs around in an apparent attempt to connect across the Atlantic, the situation quickly descended into chaos, as The Independent reports, with an OnlyFans model flashing the so-called portal. Another "very drunk" woman was filmed rubbing her behind against the screen, while a different video shows a man exposing his own derrière.

One person on the Irish side went as far as to show the New Yorkers images of 9/11 on his phone, according to The Guardian.

Less than a week after the installation was unveiled, officials decided to shut it down temporarily in light of the chaos.

In short, it's ironically the perfect "window" into the kind of mayhem such a stunt can trigger. Who could've possibly predicted this would happen?

OnlyFans model Ava Louise later took credit for the portal shutting down.

"I thought the people of Dublin deserved to see my two New York homegrown potatoes," she said in a tongue-in-cheek video shared by TMZ.

A spokesman for Dublin City Council admitted to The Independent that while "the overwhelming majority of interactions are positive," they have also "been witnessing a very small minority of people engaged in inappropriate behavior, which has been amplified through social media."

The council later announced that it would implement "some technical solutions to address this," without specifying what those solutions might be.

Curious bystanders were amused by the chaos the portal had wrought.

"It’s a bit wild," a 23-year-old student told The Guardian. "It shows the good and bad of Dublin."

More on Irish lads: Irish TV Crew Films Segment on "Mysterious Crater" That Turns Out to Be Hole Dug by Local "Lads"

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I LIKE TAYLOR BUT ,.........

  Listen .......i think taylor  swift talented......  smart ....... and  of  course ......  very ....... very.........  and i mean.............