Monday, May 20, 2024



What is the point of  having a movie  .......if there is no nudity or  violence  ......gratuitous sex is  always welcome in movies .....i mean FFS ......look at steel magnolias......WTF !!!!mind you  i.........t has  sally field .......not   sexual at all .....reminds  me of  mary fucking poppins ..........good is that ....nudity and  violence .......... are  what makes a movie  ....unless it is a  comedy  ........but throw that in........ and  it helps ......why not ........listen i am a  toxic male........ and  proud of   my toxic  masculinity .......i could  change   ...but i will not  !!!!!! ......too late  .....for that are men  ..........women are women  .....everything else  is   just  a  mental choice  ....check your  skeleton fool........demi still looks  fuckable  for an old  lady ........

Demi Moore Addresses Extreme Nudity, Violence in Cannes Shocker ‘The Substance’

Demi Moore said performing in Coralie Fargeat’s body horror shocker The Substance required accepting a “level of vulnerability and rawness” with regard to her own body on screen.

Moore put it all out there for the film, a gory, campy satire on beauty standards, toxic masculinity and female self-hatred, with the movie’s frequent and prominent nudity, as well as its gruesome violence, attracting a lot of attention after its world premiere in Cannes. Moore plays Elisabeth Sparkle, an acclaimed actress turned celebrity host of a daytime exercise program who gets replaced by a younger, more beautiful star (Margaret Qualley), sparking a confrontation between the two women. One of the more graphic scenes in the movie shows Moore and Qualley having a naked, no-holds-barred bloody fight. The Cannes audience loved it, giving the film a rapturous reception Sunday night.


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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......