Sunday, March 31, 2024



Ron de santis is okay why!!!!!.....well his wife is  fucking hot  ....that is  all i need ......but  doanld/don/T/ the man  .....i mean i know  he is politician  ...but he is  Donald  trump .....lisen all politicians  lie  ....all of  them  ....Donald     does it   with   savoir fair!!!!!!!!!....that's the difference .....he does it in a  way ......nut it really does not  matter   you cannot  stop fuck all with your  dumb ass  votes .......its already decided are  just a  stupid  pawn in a  game of  power................but enjoy these  or not ,.....................

The best of Florida governor Ron DeSantis in political cartoons

Florida Man

(USA TODAY Network)
(USA TODAY Network)

The run for the GOP presidential nomination may have ended, but the political cartoons continue the campaign for satire.

While much of the political cartoon world these days is reserved for the current commander-in-chief and former presidents, sometimes a few characters outside the Oval Office rise to the occasion and provide enough material for a spinoff.

Florida governor Ron DeSantis is a prime example…

Governor Ron DeSantis in Cartoons

(USA TODAY Network)
(USA TODAY Network)

Governor Ron DeSantis in Cartoons

(USA TODAY Network)
(USA TODAY Network)

Governor Ron DeSantis in Cartoons

(USA TODAY Network)
(USA TODAY Network)

Governor Ron DeSantis in Cartoons

(USA TODAY Network)
(USA TODAY Network)

Governor Ron DeSantis in Cartoons

(USA TODAY Network)
(USA TODAY Network)

Governor Ron DeSantis in Cartoons

(USA TODAY Network)
(USA TODAY Network)

Governor Ron DeSantis in Cartoons

(USA TODAY Network)
(USA TODAY Network)

Governor Ron DeSantis in Cartoons

(USA TODAY Network)
(USA TODAY Network)

Governor Ron DeSantis in Cartoons

(USA TODAY Network)
(USA TODAY Network)

Governor Ron DeSantis in Cartoons

(USA TODAY Network)
(USA TODAY Network)

Governor Ron DeSantis in Cartoons

(USA TODAY Network)
(USA TODAY Network)

Governor Ron DeSantis in Cartoons

(USA TODAY Network)
(USA TODAY Network)

Governor Ron DeSantis in Cartoons

(USA TODAY Network)
(USA TODAY Network)

Governor Ron DeSantis in Cartoons

(USA TODAY Network)
(USA TODAY Network)

Governor Ron DeSantis in Cartoons

(USA TODAY Network)
(USA TODAY Network)

Governor Ron DeSantis in Cartoons

(USA TODAY Network)
(USA TODAY Network)

Governor Ron DeSantis in Cartoons

(USA TODAY Network)
(USA TODAY Network)

Governor Ron DeSantis in Cartoons

(USA TODAY Network)
(USA TODAY Network)

Governor Ron DeSantis in Cartoons

(USA TODAY Network)
(USA TODAY Network)

Governor Ron DeSantis in Cartoons

(USA TODAY Network)
(USA TODAY Network)

Governor Ron DeSantis in Cartoons

(USA TODAY Network)
(USA TODAY Network)

Governor Ron DeSantis in Cartoons

(USA TODAY Network)
(USA TODAY Network)

Governor Ron DeSantis in Cartoons

(USA TODAY Network)
(USA TODAY Network)

Governor Ron DeSantis in Cartoons

(USA TODAY Network)
(USA TODAY Network)

Governor Ron DeSantis in Cartoons

(USA TODAY Network)
(USA TODAY Network)

Governor Ron DeSantis in Cartoons

(USA TODAY Network)
(USA TODAY Network)

Governor Ron DeSantis in Cartoons

(USA TODAY Network)
(USA TODAY Network)

Governor Ron DeSantis in Cartoons

(USA TODAY Network)
(USA TODAY Network)

Governor Ron DeSantis in Cartoons

(USA TODAY Network)
(USA TODAY Network)

Governor Ron DeSantis in Cartoons

(USA TODAY Network)
(USA TODAY Network)

Governor Ron DeSantis in Cartoons

(USA TODAY Network)
(USA TODAY Network)

Governor Ron DeSantis in Cartoons

(USA TODAY Network)
(USA TODAY Network)

Governor Ron DeSantis in Cartoons

(USA TODAY Network)
(USA TODAY Network)

Governor Ron DeSantis in Cartoons

(USA TODAY Network)
(USA TODAY Network)

Story originally appear

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OH GEE LET ME THINK ..............

  Well god dam jesus christ son of a  carpentero ..........really what a  fucking lsoer   and  they expect this guy to  go  straight into a ...