Sunday, February 25, 2024



It is  hppening all over   ...the  quaint towns  ....mam and pop stores .....little idyllic  places  ''...the loud  .....obnoxious'''''''''' fucking  nouveau riche ........are  sttorming into these  places ....... with their bastard kids ......nasty hot .....wives .......which is  okay .....tits are always welcome on beaches .....yes!!!!!>.....i am a  shaloow basatrd ....thank you for noticing ......... and  money and  fucking shit up and  the locals are  suffering .....but  always the soul can be bought for  an envelope of  cash .......look at   how the  brits fucked  up spain........ and   tenerife .....they are like shit flies  over in spain  opening  bars........ and pubs...... and   cafes  ....its like fucking blackpool in spain  .......fucking disgusting.....mostly crime laundered money we  all know they buy these  proerties   with illict  cash and  then  wash the  money with equity ......geez  ....if you di not  know that're a  fucking putz.!!!!!..... happening all over crime.......oh well .....

IT is one of Britain’s most popular seaside towns with families paying thousands of pounds per week to relax near its sandy beaches and vibrant nightlife during the summer.

Even this week, on a clear but chilly day, it was awash with tourists and surfers, but you do not have to scratch much beneath the surface in Newquay, Cornwall, to see some locals are struggling to make ends meet.

Maddie Tyers, pictured with her two dogs Ghost and Maverick, slipped into homelessness following the death of her mother
Maddie Tyers, pictured with her two dogs Ghost and Maverick, slipped into homelessness following the death of her motherCredit: Neil Hope
Newquay, in Cornwall, has a growing homelessness problem
Newquay, in Cornwall, has a growing homelessness problemCredit: Neil Hope
There are 22,000 people on the waiting list for council houses in Cornwall
There are 22,000 people on the waiting list for council houses in CornwallCredit: Neil Hope

Earlier this month, Prince William - who took over running the Duchy of Cornwall from his father in 2022 - announced a £3million fund to build 24 new homes for homeless people in Nansledan, a new estate on the edge of Newquay built by the Duchy.

The move was welcomed in the town but with 27,000 on the waiting list for council houses in Cornwall, few believe this alone will have a major impact on the most vulnerable.

Among them is Maddie Tyers, 54, who slipped into homelessness following the death of her mother in 2020.

After selling the house they both lived in, Maddie tried to rent a flat in Newquay but was turned down despite offering a year’s rent up front because of her low income.


Within a year she was homeless and living in a van in the town with her two huskies Ghost and Maverick. 

Maddie sunk into depression and was close to suicide but has bravely chosen to tell her story to highlight how hardworking Brits are falling through the cracks.

Maddie - who worked as a construction site cleaner before having to stop work to care for her mother - said: “At my lowest point I was living in a car park in Wadebridge and I nearly took my own life.

"If it wasn’t for my uncle calling me up that evening and the dogs I wouldn’t be here. The dogs are my lifeline with my anxiety and mental health.


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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......