Wednesday, January 3, 2024

BIRDS OF A FEATHER .........FLY TOGETHER .............


Listen we all know the rich like to party  together .........and it is  onlya matter of  time  before the shit hits the's all fun and  games....... till someone  gets hurt......... or  gets  arrrested .....same old same old  ....then the  rats   start to desert the  sinking ship .....everyone knows  that is  what happens one  wants to go to the  cling/the big house /jail/porridge /the can one   they know its a  sentence of  rape and  blood farts  ......everyone is  your friend  ....will hang out with you party on  dude........until; you get  arrested .......then they are  gone .......simple .......

Clinton and Trump are named in Jeffrey Epstein documents, no wrongdoing alleged

In this July 2, 2020, file photo, a prosecutor points to a photo of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell during a news conference in New York.
In this July 2, 2020, file photo, a prosecutor points to a photo of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell during a news conference in New York.

WASHINGTON − Former Presidents Bill Clinton and Donald Trump are mentioned in newly unsealed Jeffrey Epstein-related court documents, but they are not accused of any wrongdoing involving the disgraced sex trafficking financier.

Clinton, who sometimes flew aboard Epstein's private plane, is listed repeatedly in the documents because he was the topic of an argument over the credibility of a witness who said she saw the former president when he was a guest of Epstein.

Trump's name appears in a document in which Epstein is quoted as saying he would invite the then-real estate mogul to a casino. In another document, an unnamed witness said she was never asked to engage in sexual relations with Trump.

Guilt by association with Jeffrey Epstein?

The unsealed documents also list prominent individuals who have denied accusations against them, including Prince Andrew of Great Britain and prominent litigator Alan Dershowitz.

"The Epstein list and guilt by association," Dershowitz said on the social media platform X (formerly Twitter).

Among others named: Billionaire hedge fund founder Glenn Dubin, high-powered CEO Les Wexner, and deceased modeling agent Jean-Luc Brunel.

All of the accused have denied allegations of wrongdoing in connection with Epstein. Most of the documents unsealed late Wednesday were part of a lawsuit brought by one of Epstein's victims.

Disclosure helps survivors of abuse, lawyers say

One of Giuffre's attorneys, Sigrid McCawley, said more needs to be known about "who enabled and facilitated" Epstein's trafficking network, and that survivors of his abuse deserve more justice.

"The public interest must still be served in learning more about the scale and scope of Epstein's racket to further the important goal of shutting down sex trafficking wherever it exists and holding more to account," McCawley said.  "The unsealing of these documents gets us closer to that goal."

Other names include sex abuse victims, litigation witnesses, and Epstein associates and employees. Many of the names had only a tangential connection to the financier, who was accused of operating an international sex trafficking ring targeting underage girls. Some are now deceased.

David Ring, a California-based trial lawyer who has represented many sexual abuse victims, said public release of information can help victims gain closure. He noted that victims are often restricted by civil settlements from talking about the abuse they experienced.

"Anytime that there's a spotlight that's shown on the perpetrator and his circle of friends and what went on there, I think that's a good thing," Ring said. "It gives the victims a lot of closure, frankly, instead of just secrecy where they're not even allowed to talk about it."

Trump and Clinton supporters trade charges

Previous releases listed Clinton and former President Donald Trump as passengers on Epstein's private plane, but neither has been accused of wrongdoing.

Trump posed with Epstein and Maxwell in a now-famous photo taken in 2000 at Mar-a-Lago, his private Palm Beach club. In 2002 he referred to Epstein as a "terrific guy” during an interview with New York Magazine. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side."Trump later said he had broken with Epstein. "I had a falling out with him a long time ago, I don't think I've spoken to him for 15 years," Trump said in 2019. "I wasn't a fan."

Spokespersons for Clinton have said he made trips to Europe, Asia and Africa on Epstein's plane and that the former president had met with the financier in his Manhattan office in 2002.

For years, supporters of Trump and Clinton have accused one another of greater involvement with Epstein; but nothing in the new documents backs up these claims.

Victim's lawsuit led to years of litigation

U.S. District Judge Loretta A. Preska ordered the unsealing of more documents in mid-December, noting that most of the information was already public and that people named in the documents had not objected to their release.

Hours before the release, Judge Preska wrote Wednesday that two persons identified as "Doe 107" and "Doe 110" had asked that their names remain under seal, pending future court action.

The documents stem from a now-settled 2015 lawsuit filed by Virginia Giuffre, who accused Epstein and partner Ghislaine Maxwell of directing her involvement with prominent men.

Epstein's private island

In pretrial litigation, Maxwell said Giuffre lied about about seeing Clinton on Epstein's private Caribbean island, and that this assertion undercut her credibility in general. This dispute is the reason the former president's name pops up so frequently in the documents.

Clinton's office referred reporters a 2019 statement that said the former president "knows nothing about the terrible crimes Jeffrey Epstein pleaded guilty to in Florida some years ago, or those with which he has been recently charged in New York."

The statement said Clinton has never been to Epstein's island, and had "not spoken to Epstein in well over a decade.”

A jailhouse suicide and unanswered questions

The Miami Herald intervened for access to these records in 2018. This was the eighth round of releases involving the Epstein case.

Epstein died by suicide in a Manhattan jail cell in 2019.

Maxwell is serving a 20-year prison sentence for helping Epstein sexually abuse underage girls.

Maxwell’s attorney, Arthur Aidala, told NewsNation that she probably would have little to say about the latest Epstein document release.

“I don’t think she has anything to talk about, except, maybe, that if you look at this crime − this overall crime − it’s all about men abusing women for a long period of time," he said. "And it’s only one person in jail − a woman."

In a written statement, Aidala and attorney Diana Fabi Samson said the documents have no bearing on Maxwell's appeal.

The statement said "Ghislaine’s focus is on the upcoming appellate argument asking for her entire case to dismissed ... She has consistently and vehemently maintained her innocence."

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