Monday, September 11, 2023



Personally i think marriage is the  greatest scam ever  ......i mean all that money for one day for the  dad  to give his daughter  away to  get  banged on that day ......a hooker is  way cheaper   think about it ........the dad  pays a  fucking  klondyke/bags of  cash/mucho dinero /lots of  money   for   the   boyfriend  on that day   and  then husband  to take her  upstairs and   fuck the  shit out of  her ....... at the dads  expense lying its a  fact pays for  the wedding   yes it sucks  but thats  the deal ....pays a  fortune  ..........for his  daughter to get porked/banged/fucked/yentzed  that day .........

A Brief Look At The History of Marriage

 | Phelia Cantara
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In the UK, can use the  word  fag .......which means  cigarette..........yes  .........fag is a    cigarette......and when people ...