Wednesday, August 16, 2023



Well as a mysoginist ..........i have to say  .....yes   crying .....wearing  pink .....over hugging  .....i mean........a bro hug........ is  short......... and  not  to  tight  ...that is  fruity .......make-up......... no  real hot blooded Straight male........... would need  make -up......... that is  for  bitches ........ and  for porn stars .........sorry is  true can wear silver  rings or manly looking rings .....not  jewellery .......or doing a  female job ......what is that .............who fucking  knows  .......look who is running the planet  the  most powerful people  are  men is  a mans  world true!!!!!  ...but so  many   people  are in  denial is  not a river in egypt.....(de nile) only cry  when you lose a  digit or    severe   gash .......

10 Respectable Things Women Do That Men Are Disrespected For Doing the Same Thing

In today’s society, gender roles are constantly evolving and changing. However, there are still certain expectations and double standards that exist. Certain behaviors or actions are deemed acceptable for women but frowned upon or even taboo for men.

1. Wearing Makeup

Makeup has been a staple in women’s beauty routines for centuries. Men wearing makeup are often seen as unusual or even emasculating. While there are some male makeup enthusiasts, the practice is still not widely accepted in society.

This double standard is slowly changing as more men embrace cosmetics and break traditional gender norms.

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2. Crying

Women are often expected to be more emotional than men, and crying is seen as a natural expression of their feelings. On the other hand, men are expected to be stoic and tough, and crying is often seen as a sign of weakness.

Emotional expression is healthy for everyone, regardless of gender. Men who cry should be encouraged and supported, not shamed or ridiculed.

3. Taking Parental Leave

In many workplaces, women are given maternity leave to care for their newborns, while men are not given the same opportunities for paternity leave. This reinforces the stereotype that caregiving is solely a woman’s responsibility.

Parenting should be a shared responsibility, and men should be able to take time off work to bond with their children and support their partners.

4. Wearing Pink, Skirts or Dresses

While women can wear traditionally masculine clothing without judgment, men are often shamed for wearing clothing that is considered traditionally feminine, such as skirts or dresses. This reinforces gender stereotypes and restricts personal expression. Scottish men usually wear kilts to symbolize pride and heritage and do for formal events like weddings.

Men should be allowed to wear whatever they feel comfortable in without fear of judgment or ridicule.

5. Pursuing Traditionally Feminine Careers

Women have made strides in the workforce and are now accepted in many previously male-dominated fields, such as medicine and law. Men who pursue careers in traditionally female-dominated fields, such as nursing or teaching, are often met with skepticism or even discrimination.

Everyone should be allowed to pursue their interests and passions, regardless of gender.

6. Expressing Vulnerability

Women are often encouraged to be open and vulnerable, and it’s considered an attractive quality. Men who express vulnerability are often seen as weak or unmanly. This can make men feel they must suppress their emotions and suffer in silence, negatively affecting their mental health.

Recognizing that vulnerability is strength is essential, and men should be encouraged to express their emotions healthily.

7. Having Long Hair

Women are generally allowed to have long hair without any judgment or stigma. However, men with long hair are often viewed as unconventional or unprofessional. This reinforces traditional gender roles and restricts personal expression.

Men should be allowed to have whatever hairstyle they prefer without fear of being judged or stigmatized.

8. Wearing Jewelry

Women are often able to wear jewelry without any social consequences. Men who wear jewelry, especially earrings, can face discrimination or ridicule. This double standard reinforces gender stereotypes and restricts personal expression.

Everyone should be able to wear whatever accessories they like, regardless of gender.

9. Being a Stay-at-Home Parent

Women are often expected to take on the role of the primary caregiver for their children. Men who stay-at-home or prioritize their families over their careers are often stigmatized or seen as lazy.

This reinforces traditional gender roles and can limit men’s ability to be present in their children’s lives. Being a stay-at-home parent should be a shared responsibility, and men who choose this role should be celebrated for their dedication to their families.

10. Hugging and Showing Physical Affection

Women can hug and show physical affection to their friends and family without social stigma. Men who engage in physical love with other men are often seen as gay or unmanly.

This can make men feel they must suppress their natural desires for physical touch and intimacy. Everyone should be allowed to show physical affection to those they care about without fear of judgment or stigma.

This article was produced and syndicated by The Cents of Money.

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......