Sunday, August 6, 2023





From time to time .....i like to put in a  disclaimer fill you in  on  what  my wensite is  about .......its about me  ranting my views and  cutting and oasting shite  for you to read  and  enjoy  ....or not ......your  choice is  my  conduit to my thoughts on   people .....places .....facts .....bios....things ....stuff......interesting  facts....stupid shit ,.,.....stupid  people  (and there is no  shortage of these low life  servile  bastards  ...its  an  epidemic  of  cunts/assholes/douchbags/dirtbags.....etc etc) ,..........and of course the social media  dirtbags facebook .....instagram ....twitter..... and  all those  other  servile platforms  who spew  out  garbage  ........ for  the  empty headed  weak insecure  low  self  worth bastards  ........etc etc .......hpowever .........www/ a platform  for  me  to  tell you and let you know  how  stupid the masses  are ......and if  you like it   .........with all it's mistakes ........ and  there will be  typos /spelling  mistakes commas......full stops .....all those  dumb things ....... i write  how i feel if you like it !!!!!!!  .......enjoy .....if you don't ........  then why the fuck!!!!!! are you  here ........simple....... simple ...... dolly dimple .....really not  rocket science .......if you have  not figured  me  out by now're a  fucking putz ........

and as always here are some  random pics em !!!!!....... or not  !!!!!!.............

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......