Friday, July 28, 2023

IMPEACH THAT BASTARD............... AND HIS ASSHOLE SON .......... what a wanker.........


I  hope they impeach this  son  of a  bitch........ he is   as  corrupt as  donald ........... and  a  fucking sellout...........  i am  very  anti-  Biden always  have hated the doddering old  bastard ........lying old   sack of    piss ............been in govt 40 years and  done  shit .....and now   busting up America ......and you who voted  for him!!!!!!!!  fucking putz.......all i have to say .......i cannot  vote  and   even if   i could .......... i would not  ......... i am not that  afraid  .....i personally think people who  voted are afraid ...........

The scandal engulfing Hunter Biden is now so grave even America's Left-wing media can't ignore it any longer as claims of $5million bribes, drugs and prostitutes surround the President's wayward son, writes RICHARD LITTLEJOHN

This was the week Joe Biden's rotten House Of Cards began teetering on the brink of collapse. While Netflix's fictional U.S. President Kevin Spacey was found not guilty of sex charges by a jury in London, in another courtroom 3,500 miles away the web of lies and secrecy around alleged corruption in the Biden family was unravelling spectacularly.

A judge in Delaware threw out a disgraceful sweetheart deal which would have seen Biden's degenerate son Hunter walking free after pleading guilty to tax evasion, gun and drug charges, which would normally have led to serious jail time.

Judge Maryellen Noreika refused to rubber-stamp an incredibly lenient plea bargain agreement stitched up between Hunter's lawyers and the prosecution. It would have given Hunter not just a virtually free pass on past and present crimes but would have granted him immunity against any future charges he might face.

After the judge ripped up the deal, Hunter was forced to enter not guilty pleas on two counts to which he had pleaded guilty to minutes earlier. He now faces further investigation into alleged crimes which may well implicate his father.

On Monday, Hunter's former best friend and business partner Devon Archer is due to tell a Congressional committee that both Hunter and Joe Biden accepted bribes of $5 million each from a Ukrainian businessman.

This was the week Joe Biden's rotten House Of Cards began teetering on the brink of collapse. Pictured: Hunter Biden (left) and Joe Biden (right)

This was the week Joe Biden's rotten House Of Cards began teetering on the brink of collapse. Pictured: Hunter Biden (left) and Joe Biden (right)

He is also expected to testify that despite previous repeated denials, the President was involved in his son's business dealings. Archer says he was present when Joe Biden took part in not one but 24 separate telephone conference calls with Hunter's foreign clients.

That's if Archer actually turns up and isn't found floating face down in Washington's Potomac River. Last night he was reported to have gone into hiding, after friends said he had received unspecified 'threats' against both himself and his family.

For once, America's mainstream media hasn't been able to swerve the mounting evidence against the Bidens. On Wednesday all three major national TV networks led their nightly news bulletins with reports on the sensational decision by the judge to throw out Hunter's sweetheart deal.

Until now, Joe Biden has enjoyed fawning coverage from NBC, ABC and CBS, along with backing from 95 per cent of America's big city newspapers. Negative stories have been studiously ignored.

Most Americans will have learned little or nothing about Hunter's serially corrupt car-crash behaviour, unless they tune in to Rupert Murdoch's Fox News channel, read his New York Post and Wall Street Journal, or increasingly turn to

Yet aside from the usual 'move along, nothing to see here' pundits on Left-wing cable news channels and predictable attempts to turn the spotlight away from Biden and on to unrelated allegations against Donald Trump, the blanket coverage this week has been almost 'fair and balanced'.

Aside attempts to turn the spotlight away from Biden and on to unrelated allegations against Donald Trump (pictured in NY courtroom), the blanket coverage this week has been almost 'fair and balanced'

Aside attempts to turn the spotlight away from Biden and on to unrelated allegations against Donald Trump (pictured in NY courtroom), the blanket coverage this week has been almost 'fair and balanced'

Correspondents even speculated about the implications for the Biden presidency — pretty much a no-go area until now. The sound of worms turning was unmistakeable.

Peter Baker, who covers the White House for the Democrat-supporting New York Times, admitted it would be difficult for Joe Biden to continue defending his son on the grounds of Hunter's well-documented 'battle' against drug addiction.

'That narrative is harder to make now,' he told MSNBC. And tellingly, Baker added: 'For President Biden, it's not just about his wayward son but whether he himself had something to do with his wayward son's business dealings.'

Joe Biden has always maintained he has never even discussed business with Hunter. That changed subtly this week when the White House said he had never been in business (my italics) with him.

I couldn't help thinking back to that priceless line: 'It depends what the meaning of is is,' given to Bill Clinton by his reptilian lawyer Sidney Blumenthal during the Monica Lewinsky hearings.

Yet if half of what is being alleged about Joe Biden is true, Clinton's 'I did not have sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky' is at worst a little white lie which pales into insignificance alongside allegations of multi-million-dollar influence peddling.

I couldn't help thinking back to that priceless line: 'It depends what the meaning of is is,' given to Bill Clinton (left) by his reptilian lawyer Sidney Blumenthal during the Monica Lewinsky (right) hearings

I couldn't help thinking back to that priceless line: 'It depends what the meaning of is is,' given to Bill Clinton (left) by his reptilian lawyer Sidney Blumenthal during the Monica Lewinsky (right) hearings

The claim that both Bidens received $5 million each in bribes from a Ukrainian businessman is supported by a recently released document detailing sworn evidence from a source described as an FBI 'trusted confidential informant'.

At the time, then Vice President Biden was in charge of Barack Obama's Ukraine policy. Coincidentally, Hunter was being paid $83,000 dollars a month by a Ukrainian energy corporation called Burisma.

It is alleged that Joe put pressure on the Ukraine government to sack a prosecutor investigating corruption at Burisma. Biden threatened to block $1 billion in U.S. aid unless he got his way.

More recently, Hunter is said to have leveraged his father's position to force through a lucrative business deal with a Chinese conglomerate.

One of Hunter's first proper jobs was as a consultant at a credit card company — at the same time Joe was supporting a bill backed by the credit card industry making it more difficult for debtors to file for bankruptcy.

For decades, Hunter and his uncle, Biden's kid brother James, have been involved in a number of enterprises cashing in on Joe's political connections.

Coincidentally, Hunter (pictured) was being paid $83,000 dollars a month by a Ukrainian energy corporation called Burisma

Coincidentally, Hunter (pictured) was being paid $83,000 dollars a month by a Ukrainian energy corporation called Burisma

What's in it for Joe? In 2017, an email from Hunter about the Chinese deal stated that 10 per cent was for the 'Big Guy'. Whistleblowers have since said that the Big Guy was Joe Biden, something Devon Archer is expected to confirm at Monday's Congressional hearing.

That email was one of many retrieved from a laptop abandoned by Hunter at a Delaware repair shop.

The owner alerted the FBI, as well as making a copy of the hard drive and handing it to former New York Mayor and Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani, who passed it on to the New York Post.

The laptop hard drive contained a mine of explosive and potentially incriminating material. It featured photographs of Hunter taking crack cocaine and consorting with prostitutes. One picture showed a stark naked Hunter waving a handgun.

Is that a Walther PPK, or are you just pleased to see me?

Of even more significance, however, was an email from Hunter to his sister complaining that he had to give half his income to his father.

The owner alerted the FBI, as well as making a copy of the hard drive and handing it to former New York Mayor and Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani (pictured)

The owner alerted the FBI, as well as making a copy of the hard drive and handing it to former New York Mayor and Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani (pictured)

Given that Hunter has been in and out of rehab more often than Amy Winehouse, that may or may not be accurate. But it might also help explain how self-styled 'Middle Class Joe' — what we in Britain call working class — has managed to accumulate sizeable wealth in recent years.

Biden has always traded on his humble roots, calling himself 'Scranton Joe', 'Lunchbucket Joe' and 'Amtrak Joe' — the latter a reference to his taking the train to Washington, rather than an official limo.

An Ordinary Joe, if you like. And one who on becoming Vice President in 2009 claimed to have a net worth of just $30,000. Today it is estimated anywhere between $9 million and $40 million, depending on who you believe.

Much of that will have come from lucrative fees on the U.S. public speaking circuit, which can yield anything up to half a million dollars a pop for a big name. Nice work if you can get it. Just ask Boris.

But the rest is largely unaccounted for. Two Inland Revenue Service whistleblowers recently told a Senate hearing that the Biden family had received $17 million in fees from overseas corporations.

One of the charges against Hunter Biden is that he failed to register as an agent for a foreign concern, a legal requirement which carries a prison sentence for non-compliance. So does buying a firearm while pretending not to have had a substance abuse problem, something else which Hunter admitted under the abortive plea bargain deal before changing his plea.

Yet the Federal authorities agreed to show him unprecedented leniency, to the astonishment of many — including Judge Noreika when she ruled the agreement null and void. The role of the Feds in all of this is what Republicans find most sinister.

The two IRS whistleblowers were mostly concerned with their claim they were prevented from investigating properly on the direct orders of the Department of Justice.

In the run-up to the last Presidential election, the FBI refused to admit that the laptop belonged to Hunter Biden and insisted it was part of a Russian disinformation campaign — a fiction advanced by none other than Joe Biden himself.

The FBI and the Department of Justice are increasingly accused of siding with Biden and the Democrats, while at the same time pursuing Donald Trump on a number of fronts — including the Desert Storm-style raid on his home in Mar-a-Lago, Palm Beach. Just like in Britain, the Deep State dresses to the Left these days.

(It can surely be no coincidence that within hours of the Delaware debacle, the DoJ went public with news of further charges being brought against Trump and his associates.)

Republicans say Biden has weaponised the justice system to damage his most likely opponent for the presidency next time around. Whether Biden will be the candidate, though, remains to be seen, with California governor Gavin Newsome and Robert F. Kennedy Junior sniffing the wind.

Even diehard anti-Trumpers are beginning to challenge the far-fetched narrative surrounding Hunter which is coming out of the White House.

This week, Karine Jean-Pierre, the hapless teenage Press spokeswoman sent out to defend the indefensible, refused to answer questions from the Washington Press Corps on the preposterous grounds that Hunter is a 'private person' who is trying to 'rebuild his life' following drug addiction.

He has a funny way of going about it. This week he walked into the Delaware courtroom accompanied by his lawyer, Kevin Morris, who was last seen in an exclusive photo with his head stuck in an enormous bong. Hunter Biden was in the house at the time.

You might think it unwise for a recovering addict to associate with someone who takes drugs. But as we used to joke: an alcoholic is someone who drinks more than his doctor. So presumably, a recovering addict is someone who smokes less dope than his lawyer.

As for the notion that Hunter is a private person, how come he was driven to court in a six-vehicle secret service motorcade? If he's a private person, what is he doing at official functions at the White House, where he appears to live half the time? Why is he flying to Camp David on Marine One, with his soppy schoolboy backpack, or swanning round the world on Air Force One, accompanying his dad on state visits?

In Ireland recently, he even went walkabout, shaking hands with spectators like Kate Middleton.

Joe obviously likes to keep him close. Hunter is indulged like an adolescent. But he's 53, for heaven's sake, not 15. Biden's apologists say he is only trying to protect his son. But, as former Republican speaker Newt Gingrich said this week, President Biden is really trying to protect himself.

If Hunter goes down, that leaves Joe exposed. The Republican majority leader is already talking about starting impeachment hearings to get to the bottom of the Biden family's murky business dealings and the role of the Deep State in covering them up.

Even the mainstream media, which has protected Biden for years, appear to be withdrawing their love right now.

Maybe Sleepy Joe is already preparing his defence. The forgetfulness, the slurred speech, the wandering off into the bushes may all be part of the act.

How long can it be before he's summoned before a House committee and turns up in a bathrobe, pretending to have no idea where he is — like the Mafia boss 'Vinny The Chin' Gigante and Tony's Uncle Junior in The Sopranos.

That might be the Big Guy's best shot at a Get Out Of Jail Free card before his entire rotten House Of Cards comes tumbling down.

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MOSTLY RAT MEAT .....................................................

  Apparently ..........i have heard that  most of the  chicken is rat meat ...............well as  matter of fact..........   over  1 millio...