By now everyone is aware of the benefits of undisturbed quality sleep. Besides leaving you rejuvenated and fresh, it also helps you keep several diseases at bay and enables you to stay focused and manage stress easily.

There are many side effects of not having enough rest. Some of them include fatigue, headache, high levels of stress, and sometimes in the long run, the possibility of a stroke or a heart attack.

Today in the hustle-bustle of daily life, there is one thing that is being compromised at an alarming rate and that is sleep. Experts at the American Academy of Sleep Medicine suggest that ideally, all adults should get more than 7 hours of rest.

However, a Harvard scientist has something else to say. Amy Shah says:

"I often remind people that we all have busy lives, so it's not worth stressing if you can't get a full seven hours every night. Plus, each person is different. My advice is to let your body tell you how much sleep you need."

What are the 10 signs that point out that you are not getting enough sleep?

Not getting sufficient rest can make you feel cranky and irritated throughout the day (Image via Google)
Not getting sufficient rest can make you feel cranky and irritated throughout the day (Image via Google)© Provided by Sportskeeda Health and Fitness

According to medical doctor and nutritionist Amy Shah, here are the 10 tell-all signs of you not getting enough sleep:

  • you take 30 minutes or more to fall asleep while you lay on your bed at night.
  • you have frequent cravings for food, especially junk food.
  • you do not wake up feeling refreshed and energized but instead tired and lazy.
  • you feel sleepy and lethargic throughout the entire day.
  • you tend to overthink a lot when you try to sleep and that makes you spiral beyond control.
  • you are incapable of remembering your dreams.
  • you tend to wake up earlier than you would want to while sleeping.
  • your eyes develop abnormalities like redness, puffiness, dark circles, and eye bags.
  • you frequently keep waking up while sleeping.
  • your emotions are all over the place.

5 things according to Amy Shah that ensure that she gets enough sleep

Saying no to coffee, nicotine, and alcohol can significantly improve your capability to fall asleep (Image via
Saying no to coffee, nicotine, and alcohol can significantly improve your capability to fall asleep (Image via© Provided by Sportskeeda Health and Fitness

According to Amy Shah, there are 5 things that guarantee that she wakes up feeling well-rested. They are:

  • maintaining a proper sleep schedule: going to bed and waking up at the same time every day.
  • regulating the intake of cortisol-triggering food items: having items rich in sugar, salt, and saturated fats just before going to sleep can make your cortisol levels go through the roof which may cause hindrance to your sleep.
  • avoiding coffee, alcohol, and nicotine: all three of these items are known to cause sleep disruptions in the long run and are suggested to best be avoided.
  • keeping your bedroom temperature at an optimum level: keeping the room temperature the same as your internal body temperature just before sleeping ensures that you are well-rested the next day.
  • working out during the day: working out during the day can exhaust you and the only way to recover from it is by sleeping.

Besides the ones listed by Shah, there are several other home remedies you can try to improve your quality of sleep. Some of these include consuming milk and chamomile tea, taking a warm bath before sleeping, and avoiding gadgets while trying to sleep.