Chelsea Mitchell

20-year-old former high school track star Chelsea Mitchell is suing the state of Connecticut after the state allowed transgender athletes to compete against her in track and field competitions, claiming that losing to the transgender athletes cost her multiple missed scholarship opportunities.

“At the end of the day, this is just about fairness,” Chelsea Mitchell told The New York Post. “This is about biology.”

Mitchell declared herself “the fastest girl in Connecticut,” but lost more than 20 races over the course of her high school career which she claims is due to the state’s policy that allows transgender girls to compete in girls’ sports.

Throughout her career, Mitchell regularly competed against two transgender athletes that she claims she was physically unable to beat because that had “a huge advantage.”

“It was just obvious to everyone there that they had a huge advantage. Everyone could see it,” Mitchell said.

Mitchell is now suing the state for allowing it to happen, alleging that she missed out on scholarship opportunities as a result of lost races.

“When colleges looked at me, they didn’t see a winner. They saw a second- or third-place,” she said. “I wasn’t a first-place finisher, and I think that’s what really hurt me.”

It’s worth noting that any college considering recruiting Mitchell had access to her actual times – not just how she finished relative to the competitors. So even if the other two competitors weren’t allowed to compete, her times would have been the same.

[New York Post Photo: Alliance Defending Freedom]